Its 2am and I am sitting here listening to my 15mth old scream his head off. I'm at my wits end. I have only slept 2hrs in two nights. Have had to walk out and let him cry - in the hope that he just gets it that he needs to go to sleep. This last week he has been waking up to 5 times a night, and screams blue murder each time he wakes. It takes me 1/2hr to 2hrs to settle him again, and each time I lift my hand off him he starts screaming again. I am a single mother of two, and am absolutely shattered. With no support and no chance for rest during the day I can't go on. We are all suffering as a result.
His day sleeps are also all over the place, gone from 2 x 1.5hr naps to 2 x 45 min naps. I thought he might be ready for 2/1 transition, but the few times that I have tried he has only napped for 45 minutes anyway and had to have an early afternoon one to make it up. Now his naps are based around the fact that he's not getting sleep at night, a real mess.
His bedtime ritual is the same, nothing else has changed. Is this separation anxiety? He is teething, but he has always up until this point fussed through the night and 90% of the time resettled himself. On the odd occasion I would have to get up, and it would always take 1.5 - 2hrs to resettle him because each time I would think he was asleep and take myself back to bed, he would startle and scream again. That was OK once or twice a week, but now it is 3-5 times a night.
Until this started he was doing a 4-4.5hr easy.
I'm at a loss.. please help?