Author Topic: Early wakings due to teething?? Just have to ride it out??  (Read 5273 times)

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Offline karindmor

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Re: Early wakings due to teething?? Just have to ride it out??
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2014, 11:06:26 am »
Hi again!! I need some advice for today. He woke up at 445!!!!! I was determined to let him fall back asleep on his own bc I was sure that he wouldn't be waking up at 445. Ugh. He started getting really upset at 530 so I had to go in there. I have a hard time let him stay in his play yard until 630 bc were staying with my I laws and he gets sooooo loud! I'm afraid he's going to wake them up! But I just let him go today bc I really thought he'd go back to sleep. He did more of a 13 hour day yesterday but I have been able to stick to 12-12.5 hours pretty consistently. AND I started weaning him from the morning nursing. So now he's just getting milk before nap and before bed. He often falls asleep while nursing before nap time but he's wake after nursing before bed. and I think that 6 hours produces a good 2 hour nap for him but he can't tolerate too long before bed. I think 5.5 hours is too long for him in between nap and bedtime.

My question for today is, should I still stick to a 12 hour schedule? He would be going to sleep by 5. Or do 2 a 10 min CN and then nap around noon?

Do you think taking away the morning feeding had an impact? This is the 6th morning without any milk. He also didn't eat much dinner last night and is chowing down on Cheerios as we speak! Lol

Offline karindmor

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Re: Early wakings due to teething?? Just have to ride it out??
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2014, 11:18:07 am »
Ahhhh I just realized his body might be used to eating when he wakes up!!!! Maybe I should wait to feed him until 630 or 7 and just give him water? I've been putting a little juice in his water in the morning to distract him from the missing feeding but maybe I should just stick w water if I can.

Offline BusterB

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Re: Early wakings due to teething?? Just have to ride it out??
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2014, 18:28:53 pm »
4:45am! Wow ouch that's early!

Once we dropped to one nap we just stuck at it regardless as I didn't find catnaps worked as well as early bedtimes, but you know your baby best!

Having said that I probably wouldn't do 5pm bedtime - I don't think I've done earlier than 5:30pm. If you get a 2 hour nap hopefully that would keep OT at bay a bit and your son could make it that far?

I think you are correct about the habit of eating early though, I stopped doing feeds as soon as my son wakes and he doesn't ever come out of cot or eat until 6:15am, if he had an early bedtime or later if his bedtime was later.

Have you found the 12.5hr limit has been working or do you think that capping his nap might be worth a shot?

Have things calmed down from all the Thanksgiving disruption?

Offline karindmor

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Re: Early wakings due to teething?? Just have to ride it out??
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2014, 12:07:39 pm »
Sorry for the delay!! I was super busy with my finals for school!! So that day I did a 10 min catnap and he fell asleep at noon and slept til 2 I think.  And I think I just put him to bed by 530.  I'm not sure if the 12.5 hour day is working, but I can tell he needs the sleep and when he goes to bed later and still wakes up at 6, he's more cranky.  He still has not slept past 6 am.  Ugh.  It has been months of this.  I really don't know what to do.  I've just accepted it.  I started setting my timer for breakfast between 640-645 so he knows he can't eat before that.  Some days I'll give him watered down juice just to help him until it's time to eat.  He's been taking 2 hour naps, but for a few days there he was only taking 1.25-1.5 hour naps.  I'm not sure that capping his nap would work because I know for him.  Maybe it would, I just don't know.  I know that if he has too much time, like over 4.5 hours between nap and bed, he gets OT and is really hard to get to sleep after that.  I'm worried that capping it will create too much time.  What do you think?

Offline karindmor

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Re: Early wakings due to teething?? Just have to ride it out??
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2014, 23:57:11 pm »
How does capping his nap work so that he's not OT at bedtime? And when should I cap it?

Offline BusterB

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Re: Early wakings due to teething?? Just have to ride it out??
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2014, 07:50:15 am »
Hiya! Sorry for delay, my son has been keeping me awake all hours as he's been a little sick, so not had time for much else.

You say that your son naturally did some shorter naps recently... I presume that didn't help his overnight sleep (ONS)? What effect did it have?

Do you know why his naps suddenly shortened? Are they back to 2hrs now?

My son has never needed much in the way of naps and less nap often equals more night sleep (yesterday nap was 1hr from 12:45-1:45pm..... and he then slept 7:15pm-6:30am) but he can easily handle 5.5 hours awake before bed no problem, so the short nap doesn't cause terrible OT for him.

I know some babies can handle more wake time either in the morning or afternoon, so some people lengthen one of these, but for my son it's 5.5 hours either one - which with a 1-1.5hr nap give us our 12-12.5 hour day. So you just need to divide the day in a way that works for him...

How much total ONS are you getting at the moment?

Any nightwakings?

Offline karindmor

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Re: Early wakings due to teething?? Just have to ride it out??
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2014, 11:56:16 am »
Hi!!!  I hope things have gotten better at your household!! My son was sleeping about 1-1.25 hours a few days in a row there, but then stretched out his naps again to about 2 hours.  Neither one made a difference in his sleep.  We haven't had anymore night wakings like the 445 waking, just waking up between 530 and 6.  But I noticed something that does work for him that I stumbled upon by accident...a 45 min nap in the morning and 10-15 min nap in the late afternoon.  We drove last weekend to go visit family that is about an hour away and my son fell asleep around 10 am on the way there.  When he woke up at almost 11 I knew I would have to give him a cat nap in the afternoon so he could make it to bedtime, and he slept unitl 630 the next day!!!  I don't remember the last time he's slept past 6.  He seemed really sleepy the next day too around the same time, 10-1030 so I let him sleep again for just a bit, and then gave him a short CN in the afternoon.  I did some trial and error throughout the week and gave him a short CN in the morning (by accident, he fell asleep on the way to the store), so then I gave him a 30 min CN nap in the mid afternoon.  Every time he had two naps, he has slept in later the next day.  He is falling asleep later though.  I put him down around 7, but then he will just talk to himself until close to 8.  But he will wake up around 630 or 7 the next day in a much better mood than he does when he wakes up between 530 and 6.  So yesterday he woke up at 7 and I tried giving him just one nap, but he only slept 1 hour (1230-130-and he woke up really cranky, so I knew he didn't get enough sleep) and I was planning on having him in bed by 630. He was sooooo wound up before bedtime, I knew he was OT.  Maybe I should've tried winding him down better.   I just had no clue what to do and thought nursing him would help.  He probably didn't fall asleep until 730.  And he woke up around 545 today.  No night wakings though.

I do have his gro clock up and working now though.  I had it set for 615, but he's been sleeping past it, so last night I set it to 630 and he woke up at 545 haha.  I tried explaining to him that he can't scream bloody murder at the top of his lungs at 545 am because he'll wake everyone up and that his clock was still blue so we couldn't leave until the clock turned yellow.  So I quickly changed the wake up time on the clock for one min later so it would go off and he could see the yellow screen.  And then just told him that it's yellow like the sun which means we can wake up now!! I think i'll be giving him two naps today since he woke up so early. 

Do you know why the two naps helps so much?? I feel that he can make it to nap time ok, but he doesn't make it to bedtime without getting OT with just one nap.  But when I give him 2 naps, he'll usually only take a 45 min nap (probably an UT nap since it's earlier in the day) but I feel like that little nap in the afternoon helps him get to bedtime.  I don't know why his body could handle one nap when he was younger but he doesn't handle it well now. 

My husband and I moved across the US (literally from west coast to east coast) back in the beginning of September, and I know he didn't get good sleep while traveling and then transitioning at our in laws.  Do you think he's still recovering from that???

Offline BusterB

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Re: Early wakings due to teething?? Just have to ride it out??
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2014, 05:25:48 am »
Doesn't this just go to show that all babies are very different and there is definitely no 1 size fits all solution :)

If the 2 naps works for your son I'd be tempted just roll with that personally, well you should just do what feels right for your family! Yesterday we had a 4:45am early waking (due to a cough) and so my son had 2 naps for the first time in months and he is already well awake this morning (is 5am here now  ::) ) so I can't wait to get back to our 1 nap routine, which suit my son much better - they are all so different!

The disruption of moving could easily have contributed to your issues, but I would have thought the adjustment would be done by now, but you never know!

I'm just glad you found something that works for you. It's funny how your son can do 2 hour naps but then needs a short A time before bed or gets really OT... if the CN solves that and means you are not putting an OT baby to bed then I think it's a great solution. Once he is able to handle the longer A before bed I imagibe you will just get resistance to that CN and can shift his morning nap later etc

I would just keep an eye on total over night sleep. I personally would want to try and avoid that dropping lower than 10.5 hours. So even though the wake up is later, if that is only because of the later bedtime and not more overall sleep, you might be storing up an OT problem.

It's funny that you got the gro-clock going and he started sleeping past it!! Ha! Long may that continue :)