Author Topic: Advice for 8 mo feeding schedule  (Read 2003 times)

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Advice for 8 mo feeding schedule
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:00:13 am »
Hello, my dd will be 8months on the 1st November. She is on a good 4 hour EASY for milk. Was formula and breast fed and as of last week is now just on formula. She has porridge and fruit an hour after her morning milk and lunch but that's it really it for solids. We live in the UK and if my understanding is correct she should be having 3 meals plus snacks by the time she is 12 months, which isn't that far away.
I'd like to start introducing a tea but find it hard to get the timing correct to fit in all the milk, naps and solid food.
She still wakes in the night for one feed and I think that is because she doesn't get enough solids in the day.
Can anyone advise please. Should I drop a milk feed now? Which one? What would be an example schedule for her?
Thank you :-)

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Re: Advice for 8 mo feeding schedule
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 10:59:00 am »
Sounds like everything is going to plan :)
2 solids meals at 8 months is absolutely fine. A lot changes between 8 and 12 months too, it's longer than it might sound and you don't need to rush towards those 3 meals plus snacks just yet.  Yes at some point introduce an evening meal, that could be now or in a months time it really depends on her interest for solids.  How about just offering a few bits of finger food from your own evening meal?  This would give her some practise with finger foods and you'd see if she was interested in a meal at that time.
Introducing snacks would be closer to 10-12 months really, all dependent on LO again. You don't want her milk to drop too quickly as it is still her primary food but at some point she will likely show less interest in 1 or more bottles, at that point it may be time to switch 1 milk feed (usually mid morning or mid afternoon) to a small healthy snack plus sippy cup (or whatever cup you choose) of water. This can help to keep the other 3 milk feeds intact.  Later still you can switch the other day time milk for a snack.  This way you keep the same timings (roughly, depending on nap times) for meals/snacks/milk but just change what you offer.
I wouldn't drop any daytime milk feeds until the night feed has gone though. My aim would be to bring her entire calorie intake to the day hours first. It's not unusual for an 8 month old to still be having a night feed, and really increasing solids in the day is unlikely to help with that, LOs get more calories/fat/nutrients from milk so it's the milk intake in the day which will reduce her need to take milk at night.  You could go for a wean of the night milk if you feel ready (she'll increase her daily intake and still get the calories needed).

WRT routine, it can be tricky to fit in all those milk and solids feeds through the day but it seems you are on track, solids an hour after milk feeds is about right and shifting things slightly to fit around the naps.

If you'd like more specific help with routine times or dropping that night milk please post your current EASY.

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Re: Advice for 8 mo feeding schedule
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2014, 22:03:43 pm »
Hello *creations* that's a lot for your reply. You gave me good advice on a previous post and thanks for this advice too. I spoke with another mum who said that I should be dropping milk feeds by now and it made me question myself so I thought I get some advice from this fantastic site :-)
I would like to get rid of the night feed now as she is putting on a lot if weight now that solids have been introduced so I don't think she needs it any more.

Her EASY is (roughly):

Approx 07.20 awake
E: 0800 (210mls formula)
E: 0900 porridge with fruit
S: 10am for 1hr 40mins
E: 12noon (210mls formula)
E: 1pm solids
S: between 0230 and 3pm for 1.30hours
E: 4pm 210mls formula
I don't know how to add a solid tea as 1 hour after her bottle would be about 5 or later and maybe that's too late? (She has suffered from a windy tummy in the past but I think that is settling down now).
E: 7.15pm 'night time' milk formula
S: eyes closed asleep by 8pm
She is generally waking at about 3am for her night time feed.

We've started reducing the amount of the overnight feed to try and get rid of it and she is responding well. From 210mls we are down to 150mls. She drinks it all and is straight back to sleep. We are reducing it an a ounce every 2 days. After some good advice by Jess' mum.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thank you :-)

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Re: Advice for 8 mo feeding schedule
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2014, 09:50:53 am »
E: 4pm 210mls formula
I don't know how to add a solid tea as 1 hour after her bottle would be about 5 or later and maybe that's too late? (She has suffered from a windy tummy in the past but I think that is settling down now).
E: 7.15pm 'night time' milk formula
S: eyes closed asleep by 8pm
Looks to me like dinner at 5pm would be fine as she isn't going to sleep until 8pm so there's 3hrs between the solids and BT. I also did dinner at 5 to 5.30pm with a 8pm BT.  Lots of LOs don't eat much in the evening so I wouldn't expect it to be a huge meal, you don't necessarily need the dinner to be big to get her through the night without milk, she may increase her calorie intake somewhere else in the day instead by either increasing her other milk feeds (always make sure there is an oz or so left in the bottle, if she totally drains the bottle increase the ozs offered) or taking more solids at another meal.

Sounds like the night wean is going well :)