Author Topic: Almost 1yo and nights are awful - HELP!  (Read 3945 times)

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Re: Almost 1yo and nights are awful - HELP!
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2014, 14:29:38 pm »
Isn't it funny how you give advice to other people for ages and then need people to tell you the same thing back? Lol. So funny.

I know it doesn't feel like it will ever end, but if you keep feeding it will never get better.
Sigh. I know you're right. I just keep trying to deny it, lol.

H does almost anything to help me with the kids at night, but almost always ends up bringing them to me after awhile (he only lasts an hr or so, LOL). So, each time I've bitten the bullet and done it.
Yeah I should probably just do it myself. I do think I have more patience for this kind of thing, ultimately.

Is she teething right now? The first couple times I tried with G, I wasn't sure he was in pain from teething or not, so wasn't successful. Once I knew he wasn't, I was better able to stick with it.
She just started again, I think. :(

does she take a bottle (I'm assuming she does) - what if your DH brings in a bottle in the MOTN instead of you feeding her?
She will. He does that when I work nights. And by the third night she will often sleep 5 or 6 hours. She really just wants me. It's flattering but...

 My good friends DD screamed the first night for 6 hours. 6 whole hours. The next night was 5 then 3 then 15 mins. But it did take them to follow through. If you think you will give in I wouldn't start. Sometimes you just can't do it until you are determined x
OMG 6 hours. See, I can see her being on that path. I've never had one of mine be that determined but this one seems like she might be the first. Sigh.

I would think that she could make it all night without feeding but at the same time, I can see Shiv's point about feeding at midnight.  It really doesn't sound like she's used to taking her calories in during the day so it will really be a big shift for her.
Yeah, I think I would be more comfortable trying to shift rather than completely eliminate the feeds. I think I will try that first.

I think you're going to have a couple of really ugly nights on your hands, but I will say that at her age it seems to take a good 3 nights and then things get better (at least that seemed to be what people found while I was modding NWings and BFing a few years back)
3 nights sounds so daunting before you start but it's never as bad once you get going, right?

if you and dh aren't going to stick with it, then I wouldn't start (not said to be mean, it's just that you have to be ready for it or it's not going to happen - I'm sure she's smart enough to realize it if you're being even a little inconsistent!)
Sigh. Yes. I know you're right. :) I think that's part of why I haven't started yet. It's so hard with my schedule to find a run a days where we can be so exhausted. Although every time I tackle something like this I remember that I wasn't sleeping well to begin with, so even though it seems crazy to sleep less, it's never as bad as I think it will be and in the end it helps so it's worth it. Just so daunting to think about starting.

If nothing else, I'd just warn dh that she will need to eat more often.  Will she take the bottle readily or do you think she's holding out for you a little?
She takes it really well. I actually think he overfeeds her when I'm at work. Yesterday she ate twice what I pumped. :P It's been a source of a lot of stress over the last year. But we're going to start putting some coconut milk in with her breastmilk while I'm at work to try to make up the difference. My freezer stash is super low. She's just about to be one, though, so it should work out ok.

Of course, last night she only woke up twice and didn't cry at all! Classic. But I'm sure that was an anomaly. I guess this week isn't the best for this. I'll have to look at the calendar and figure out my next couple of days off and just go for it. I think I should be the one to do it. :P

Thank you all for your thoughts and support! Love this place. :)

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Re: Almost 1yo and nights are awful - HELP!
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2014, 04:52:27 am »
Isn't it funny how you give advice to other people for ages and then need people to tell you the same thing back? Lol. So funny.
LOL, in the same boat honey, in the same boat! ::)

So, would it not work for your DH to keep offering a bottle only and then gradually offer less and less? Even when you're there? I'm sure you've thought of this... maybe I'm not understanding the pumping supply part. :-\

(((Hugs))), here to hold your hand when you are ready. :-*

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Re: Almost 1yo and nights are awful - HELP!
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2014, 02:19:08 am »
Honestly, when working on sleep with all of mine, I always had to do it, as dh would eventually give up and either toss the baby in bed with us, hand her to me to be fed, or give up in some other way. ::)  We'll be here when you're ready! :)

Offline kcmarie122

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Re: Almost 1yo and nights are awful - HELP!
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2014, 02:37:45 am »
Any update on this from the OP?  I'm going through this exact same thing.  I could have written your posts myself.  We have decided to start this plan ourselves right after Christmas when both DH and I will be home for a week.  It's going to be brutal but I don't see an end to the NFs any other way.  My DD is just like yours...she gets sooooo mad if I try NOT to nurse her in the night.   I was sorta hoping to see an update to give me hope that this WILL work.  I need more sleep and she is 1 year old...she should not be waking every 3-4 hours to eat at night.

I hope you had success!  Please tell me had!

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Re: Almost 1yo and nights are awful - HELP!
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2014, 12:04:58 pm »
Sounds just like my lil one. We made good grounds with reducing night feed after we up her calorie intake with getting her to eat more protein and offering second dessert. Lil one has sweet tooth. I found it easy to commit to settling her before our bed time, then next night waking I would feed her both breast just to make sure she is super full, and all nw after was settling.

After that she woke only twice which made it possible to feed one boob shortly and settling her to sleep. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to function settling so much and going to work next day. It was slow going though. But worth it.

I was in the same boat with thinking she hungry that's why she waking. So I always felt the need to feed. One of the reason I'm still bf. To be fair we had good progress when she was teething, where we gave her med every night and she would sleep good 4-5 hrs. Followed by more meds and another 3-4 hrs. Also yr lil one might be at wonder week at the moment. Mine just came out of it 1 week ago.

Just keep trying, it might be slow but worth it.... So keep up the good work