Author Topic: 7 month old extremely gassy with solid foods  (Read 2238 times)

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Offline pennypie1

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7 month old extremely gassy with solid foods
« on: November 03, 2014, 12:39:57 pm »

I EBF my son for the first 6 months.  I then started to introduce solid food around 6 months.  I have tried apples, butternut squash, pears, and sweet potatoes.  I tried avocado which resulted in him vomiting for 2 hours, 3 hours after he ate it.  All of these foods make him extremely gassy to the point where he is up almost every hour crying and seems like he can't get comfortable.  He usually has one episode where he will be awake for 2 hours.  After he passes the gas he will go back to sleep.  I should also add that he seems to easily get constipated and only goes every 3 to 4 days.  I have tried adding probiotics to his diet to help this (recommendation from doctor).  This week I cut out all solid food in his diet and he is only having breast milk, all of the gas pains have stopped (he still wakes to nurse multiple times), but there is no crying and no 2 hour wakings.

My first son had no problems with solid foods (except dairy - protein allergy), so I am confused.

Any suggestions on whether I should just wait a few more weeks and try again?  What are the best foods to start with?  I prefer to make my own and would like to avoid grains due to his constipation issues.  TIA

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 7 month old extremely gassy with solid foods
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2014, 13:16:17 pm »
Was he pooping every 3-4 days before starting solids? It is totally normal for an ebf baby to poop less frequently.

When you started solids did you do one new food at a time and leave a day in between? Besides the clear xn to avocado did any of the other foods seem worse than the rest? We started my older kids on pears, apple, sweet potato etc but my youngest we did more baby led weaning and gave anything we thought she could hold and suck on.

Offline pennypie1

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Re: 7 month old extremely gassy with solid foods
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2014, 14:48:20 pm »
Yes, he would poop only 3 to 4 days prior to starting solids as well, except when he was a newborn. 

I did do one new food at a time, but would give say apples in the morning (after he had those for 3 days) and then try pears in the afternoon instead of only doing 1 food per day.

I was feeding him more like 1 oz of the new food, if he wanted it.  Should I try more like a teaspoon?

Pears seemed to be the worst (seems like he also had more reflux with those), but any solid food was making him uncomfortable and gassy.  During the day he is fine, and slept well for most naps, but not at night?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 7 month old extremely gassy with solid foods
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2014, 13:20:34 pm »
The thing with offering two foods in one day (and I did that too!) is that it is hard to know which is the cause of the issues. I found kine did nap okay even when they had tummy trouble from new foods, no idea why!

When he does go poop is it a normal consistency? My youngest went once a week or so when she was ebf but it was totally normall poos (lots of it) and not actually cnstipation.