Have you heard of Baby Led Weaning? It's the approach I used with my two LOs and it was fun, and worked, they are both very happy eaters

Have a look here:
Baby-Led WeaningLO would need to be able to sit independently, but it means she has more control over what she eats. The flip side of that, is that you have less control, so you need to be able to live with that

At her age, though, the experience of food is probably more important that how much she eats, if you see what I mean.
We tend to say here that 'food is fun until they're one' so as to avoid that stress of worrying about what and how much she is eating. The thing is, milk remains her most important food til at least one yo.
For now, I would maybe take a deep breath, give yourself some time to read around and think about it, and not rush if you don't feel ready