Author Topic: Lost on how and what to feed my 6 month old  (Read 1997 times)

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Lost on how and what to feed my 6 month old
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:56:18 pm »
My DD is now 6 months old, started getting solids when she was 5 months. I started out with rice cereal for 2 weeks just once a day, and then started with fruits/veggies. Now that she's been on solids for a month I would like to start feeding her twice a day. I am just not sure what to feed her. I would like to feed her once in the morning and once in the evening. Do I do a fruit in the morning, veggie at night? Rice cereal in the morning, fruit or veggie at night? And I don't know how much she should be eating at this point either.

Also the recipe for the cereal on the container says to mix a tablespoon of the cereal with 4-5 tablespoons of breastmilk formula or water?? That's a mixture that I would have to feed her from the bottle because it's just liquid and that's not what I'm going for? I googled and it seems like a lot of mommas do a similar recipe which would wind up with super watery cereal. I make it thicker but not sure if that's ok?? I just really do feel kind of lost and I am not confident that I am doing what I should for her.

She is only fed breastmilk, no formula. Thanks for your help.

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Re: Lost on how and what to feed my 6 month old
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2014, 13:16:56 pm »
Have you heard of Baby Led Weaning?  It's the approach I used with my two LOs and it was fun, and worked, they are both very happy eaters :)

Have a look here:
Baby-Led Weaning

LO would need to be able to sit independently, but it means she has more control over what she eats.  The flip side of that, is that you have less control, so you need to be able to live with that :) At her age, though, the experience of food is probably more important that how much she eats, if you see what I mean.   

We tend to say here that 'food is fun until they're one' so as to avoid that stress of worrying about what and how much she is eating. The thing is, milk remains her most important food til at least one yo. 

For now, I would maybe take a deep breath, give yourself some time to read around and think about it, and not rush if you don't feel ready :)
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: Lost on how and what to feed my 6 month old
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2014, 17:38:53 pm »
Baby-led weaning is fantastic, but if you're into trying purées I really recommend the Annabel karmel books. I believe she has a website too. For me, I just found so much information on what not to feed rather than what I could, so I totally understand! I just worked my way through her book and found it quite fun.

As Anne says, please don't get frustrated if she doesn't eat much. Milk is so much more important at this age. The down side of making purées is that if they don't eat them, you've gone to all that trouble for nothing! If DD didn't eat it, I'd bin what she didn't eat in her bowl and freeze the rest of the batch or alternatively try the same 'meal' the next day. I hth x

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Re: Lost on how and what to feed my 6 month old
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2014, 18:44:13 pm »
Do I do a fruit in the morning, veggie at night? Rice cereal in the morning, fruit or veggie at night?
There's really no rule. I would advise not to feed too late though.  Many people like to give solids for breakfast only, then breakfast and lunch, it's just that the earlier in the day the more chance of her digesting the food and getting out any wind before BT, plus if there is a reaction of some sort it's not too close to BT.  If you do choose to introduce the evening meal I would try to keep it at least a couple of hours before BT.

And I don't know how much she should be eating at this point either.
Another BLW fan here but whether you choose finger foods or purees allow LO to guide the portion size, she will eat to her fill then show signs she's had enough, perhaps you've already noticed these over the last month.  If she turns her head or pushes the food away she's full or doesn't like that food on that day (but might the next), it's best not to try to encourage one more bite or to finish the prepared portion.  Many LOs don't eat any solids at this age and that's fine. It's also fine if she likes her solids, so long as milk intake doesn't drop.
