Hi, my LO does the same, she is 14 month old too.
Definitely OT. Try EBT 5.30 I know it sounds early but it will work. As soon as she starts sleeping 12 ish hours during the night her nap will improve too. Stick to 11 am nap.
Then you can start moving whole routine 15 min at the time.
I have just copied what Ive been advised.
I would start your day at whatever time you think is doable for now, so maybe 5.30am. Absolutely minimal contact and no lights on before that time. Only go to her if she is really crying for you, otherwise let her mess around in her crib. Then at WU time, lights on, hello, wake up!
From a 5.30am start I would probably set nap at 11am, and bed at 5.30pm for now. Horribly early but if you can get her routine stabilised then you could at least move it forwards using some of the DST techniques? Or your other option is to set the routine based on desired WU time - if that's 6.30am then you have to be totally consistent on not starting your day until then. So no playing, no taking her into bed, just ignore her and leave her in her own bed unless she is crying. If she's crying then WIWO but do not get her up. Then do not let her nap before 12pm and BT is 6.30pm. It will be hard going for a few days until her body clock starts to kick in and let her sleep in later and you'll have to work hard to keep her awake. DS is much younger but I have just done similar with him after a run of 5am starts and it has worked well to make him resettle if he wakes early.