Author Topic: 11mo Night terrors?  (Read 1505 times)

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Offline Aromy

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11mo Night terrors?
« on: November 18, 2014, 20:50:46 pm »
We’ve been on EASY since she was 5 mos, but we’ve had our battles with short naps, OT, and habitual waking. She's spirited and touchy. She is breastfed and started solids at 6.5mo. We sleep trained her at 5 months using PU/PD.

I know that night terrors don't usually start until later, but I don't know what to call these. My 11mo will wake up usually 45min-1hr after I've put her down. And then an hour after that. Then the hour after that. Ex: 8pm bedtime, 9NW, 10NW. She just wakes up screaming, sometimes standing. I wait for it to escalate, and then when I go into her room, I pick her up once, then put her down when she's calm. Then I soothe her with a hand on her back and humming softly. She usually settles quickly. Occasionally, (1 out of 5 times) if she wakes up before 11pm she'll put herself back to sleep, or she'll skip an hour. After 12, she'll usually wake up at least once more before wake up time, which is around 6:30. I've been keeping a sleep log for months, and it seems that it has always been this way. She can have a perfectly rested day and not seem overtired, but still wake up anyway. Now we're also amidst the 2-1 transition, so it's been quite chaotic.

I'm just wondering has anyone else experienced this? Or is there another name for this? Any advice? I'm open to any suggestions or support.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2014, 21:18:33 pm by Aromy »

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 11mo Night terrors?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2014, 12:58:17 pm »
Ah yes we had this at around 11mo. All out and out screaming! Scared the life out of me. I don't know what it is personally, I did read this is prime time for when they actually start dreaming so I don't know if it's something to do with that or not. It did settle down here within a month or so if that helps. We only get it occasionally now.

How's your easy looking? It may be that she's OT by BT. Waking after one sleep cycle after BT was classic OT before bed here especially if she's easy to resettle. She may like a short A to bed like mine? Early on in the transition we were doing 4.5hr first A for 1.5hr nap, 3.5hr second A for capped 30mins nap then 2.5hrs to BT but my LO went through this at 8.5-9mo and we were on one nap fully at 10.5-11mo or thereabouts.

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Re: 11mo Night terrors?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2014, 13:03:06 pm »
Yes, we had night terrors around 10 months old. Definitely be on the lookout for OT, try keeping the room cooler, and try less activity during the day to see if that helps. It did pass eventually for us, and now Nick only has them once in a blue moon if he's coming down with something
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

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Re: 11mo Night terrors?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2014, 13:15:18 pm »
NTs started earlier than that here too. OT was always the biggest cause for us, and heat was definitely a trigger too.
Catherine x

Offline Aromy

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Re: 11mo Night terrors?
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2014, 12:08:12 pm »
Thanks for your replies everyone! It soothes my soul a bit.

Our flat is pretty well temperature controlled, and she sleeps in a sleeping bag, so I don't think the temperature is a problem. Though I wish it were, because that would be easy to fix! I'm finding it hard to balance OT and UT because my daughter is so spirited/touchy. We can spend the whole day at home and she'd still wake up in the night. And when we'd go to play groups, she'd still wake up an hour after putting her down. If that's the case, I'd rather go out anyway just so we can get some fresh air.

Because of the 2-1 transition, our EASY has been a bit all over the place. I might have to push the morning A-time again. And we cannot do EBT. We tried it for a while, and tried keeping her days to 12-13 hours, but any time we put her to sleep earlier than 8pm, she wakes up around 4-5am.

6:30-7am Wake up
4hr15 A time
1.5hr Nap
3.5hr-4hr A time
APOP Cat nap (usually fed to sleep *shame on me*) 30-45mins, no longer than 5:30pm
2.5-3hr A time
8-8:30 Bedtime
10:30 DF

I know it's a long day, but I have to make the 8pm BT work. I also still give her a dreamfeed. She's 11mo and barely 7.5 kilos, but super active. We tried dropping it the BW way, but that only resulted in more NW and feeding her at 3-4am. She hasn't slept through her morning nap in a few days. I've usually had to go in resettle her, so I'll try pushing her A time to 4hr30. Any other suggestions on EASY tweaks?

We've been having these hourly waking for months! In our case, it may be hereditary. My husband was a terrible sleeper until he was 2 years old. My MIL tells me all about it. It dreads me to think that I might have to wait until she's TWO to get quieter nights, so I'm trying the things that are in my control.  :-\

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 11mo Night terrors?
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2014, 12:53:15 pm »
It is a long day, you're right. Unfortunately that's what we have to do doing these transitions. I would push the first A to 4.5hrs, then see if you can keep the second A as you are (or even reduce it by 15mins because you're adding an extra 15mins earlier) and don't worry about the apop. We do what we can! As long as she can ss for the other nap, BT and most of the NW's I wouldn't consider it a problem. I would try and keep BT to 8pm latest rather than 8.30pm though if you can even if that means waking her up earlier from her nap. And also, I would keep it to 2.5hrs last A after that short nap. Wdyt?

So it would look like this:

Wu say 7
A 4.5hrs
S 11.30-1
A 3.75hrs
S 4.45-5.15
A 2.5hrs
BT 7.45 asleep by 8

Offline Aromy

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Re: 11mo Night terrors?
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2014, 16:04:34 pm »
Thanks Kellyjs! She magically woke up at 7am yesterday so I did your suggested EASY, almost to the T. She slept through her first nap after 4.5hr of A time!  But then she was still super cranky the whole time. I had to give her cat nap from 4:30, then woke her at 5 because she was so tired. We made it to an 8pm bedtime, but she was exhausted. She still woke up a lot a night, but I know it'll take a few days to adjust to the new A time. I also think this waking and fussiness might be coinciding with a wonder week, but who really knows. I can just speculate.

Today, she woke at 6:30, but didn't sleep through her first nap. I had to resettle her. I had taken her to a playgroup in the morning, where she was bitten by a little girl and kissed by a boy. Too much excitement! haha.

I know it'll take some days to adjust. She just almost never wakes at 7am. Usually sometime between 6:15-7. Sometimes I'm not even sure. Should I wake her up at 6:30 just to be sure? It just feels wrong to wake her up since she has some rocky nights, but it'd save me a headache of calculating A times if I just woke her up by the clock. What do you think?

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 11mo Night terrors?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2014, 18:07:29 pm »
Ha ha oh the fun! Kissed and bitten, lol.

Personally I did do set naps and BT as I was fed up of guessing when she woke. You might find it easier too?

So if you want wu to be at 6.30 or 7 you just set the naps at the 11.30 and 4.45 irrelevant of what time she actually wakes iykwim? If the naps are rubbish just try and do a slightly earlier BT. So if you're calculating 2hrs DT sleep, any less you just bring BT earlier by that amount of time. So if she only gets 1.5hrs of DT sleep, BT would be 30mins earlier.

I always wake DD at 6.30 unless she's ill, but that's just me! She's 11mo isn't she? There's a huge ww at 12mo that resulted in lots and lots of extra sleep here for around a couple of weeks if that helps your sanity?! We were getting a 2.5hr nap and 12hrs at night!  ;)

Offline Aromy

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Re: 11mo Night terrors?
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2014, 21:07:27 pm »
Thanks for the very outlined reply! I love it.

DD just started teething again, so I'm going to be a bit more flexible for now. But try to stick close to stick close to the set nap times, and see how it turns out. I'm looking forward to some less rocky nights, but we all know, if it's not one thing, it's another! Here's to getting some rest moms & dads!

Will keep you updated in a few days/weeks time. Thanks again everyone!

Offline Aromy

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Re: 11mo Night terrors?
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2014, 21:58:22 pm »
We recently pushed her EASY to a 4hr45 A-time. And she gets anywhere from 1hr45-2hr day sleep. Our nights had gone a bit crazy though because my husband and I realized we both got into some accidental parenting (whoops). So we're re-doing PU/PD. It's a lot easier the second time around, but just as exhausting. It has lessened her waking up so often though. So instead of night terrors, it may have simply been that she had forgotten how to put herself back to sleep because of our accidental parenting. I really cannot wait for her to be on ONE nap!

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 11mo Night terrors?
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2014, 06:53:22 am »
Ah bless you, it's easy to slip into these habits! Especially during transition times. It will get better hun, you're absolutely doing the right thing and glad you've seen some improvement.

If you need any more help with your easy, just pop back. The 2-1 will forever lay imprinted in this mind  ;)