Author Topic: Routine for 6 weeks old  (Read 1013 times)

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Offline Anmarnad

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Routine for 6 weeks old
« on: November 18, 2014, 21:58:08 pm »
My baby has been napping really well since birth and now for the last 3 days we seem to have A LOT of unsettled time in the evening. It could be colic, it could be the routine, it could be anything really. The question is - what is it?!
The routine goes like this more or less (she eats every 3, or 3.5 or max 4 hours):

6:45 E
8:00 S

10:00/10:30 E
11:15/11:45 S

13:00/13:30 E
14:15/14:45 S

16:45 E
17:45 S

18:30/18:45 bath
19:30 E
20:00 sleep for the night

2:30 night feed

Unfortunately our days get really messed up since the 16:45 feed. She won't nap! And for the last 3 days she couldn't settle till 22:30. I have no clue why. It was working before. Evenings were always shaky, but not as much... Any thoughts?

Thank you!

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Routine for 6 weeks old
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 13:24:47 pm »
Unfortunately it sounds very normal, frustrating though that is.  Evening unsettledness is very common in young babies and tends to peak towards the 8 week mark before gradually getting better.  Many mums find even if the day has been 'perfect' this still happens and no amount of routine tweaking really helps.  Can you use a sling or something to keep her close and calm, and allow her to snooze if she wants to?  Hang in there is my best advice, it feel like forever at the time but it does get better xxx

Offline Anmarnad

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Re: Routine for 6 weeks old
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2014, 15:08:09 pm »
Thank you! It's good to know. Actually I do think it's realated to her tummy - yesterday she had no pain and she did settle for the last nap. That gives me some confidence. It's just hard as I have to deal with my 2 year old at the same time in the evening. Lets wait then... (time goes slowly when you're waiting...)

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Routine for 6 weeks old
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2014, 18:57:38 pm »
My DS (now nearly 6m) screamed through DDs (nearly 3yo) bt routine on a daily basis for about the first 3 months so I know it's no fun - (((hugs))).  It does get easier, I promise!