Author Topic: baby started solids but not any interest in bottle. at my wits end  (Read 1901 times)

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Offline jodie123

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My boy is 4 months and started solids about 1.5weeks ago as he was wanting more n more bottle sometimes 10oz a time but not too often.

 Started to puree food and freezer just starting with some breakfast then this week 3x meals.

 Have cut them down today to 2x meals as he was not taking much atal on bottle. 

Today I'm pulling my hair out and failing at feeding.

 Heres his routine over past 2 days .

 Tuesday: 9.30am 7oz and food (vomited all up shortly after) 1.30pm 7oz and teaspoon of puree.  5.00pm 3oz and food.  8.30pm 4oz. Midnight 4oz.

Wednesday: 8.50am 4.5oz and food.  12.30pm 5.5oz. 4.15pm just 2oz and food. ... ill give him 2 more bottles before the days over

Im at my wits end and feel im doing this all wrong. ..


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Re: baby started solids but not any interest in bottle. at my wits end
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2014, 18:55:15 pm »
Hi and welcome to BW. Dont worry about it, I think every mom feels like she is doing everything wrong, especially if its her first baby. I sure did.

Wow, 10oz, my 11 month does not take that much.  :D
Is it possible that  he was going trough a growth spurt on the days he wanted more milk? Its usually then that they want more food.
How was he sleeping on the days he wanted more milk, and how was he sleeping before that? Also, how long after the milk feed do you offer the solids?
3 solid meals is a lot at 4 months.
Take a look at this link

How about you cut the solids for a few days, see how that goes, if he seems more hungry, how is he sleeping on those days. Then try and give him just breakfast. Like you are introducing solids all over-just a little bit at first. Then a bit more and then more.
Maybe even keep a log of how he`s doing. How much he is eating and how much milk he is taking.
What do you think about that?