Author Topic: Wake to sleep help  (Read 748 times)

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Wake to sleep help
« on: November 20, 2014, 05:49:09 am »
DS is 8 weeks old and has been doing short naps since about 3 weeks. He usually gets in 1 good nap a day when out in my carrier. His A times are appropriate for his age. I have been trying wake to sleep but not having any success. I have tried lightly rubbing back and also tried moving whole body. Not quiet sure how to tell if I have woken him enough when I do this. Also sometimes I will go in at the 30 min mark and he is already awake. What time should I be going in if sometimes his S time is 40 and sometimes it is 30? 

If I am wanting to hold through the jolts and do wake to sleep what time do I put my hand son him?  Right after I lightly wake him I am assuming? 

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Re: Wake to sleep help
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2014, 08:17:10 am »
This may help
How do I address habitual wakings? (wake-to-sleep and other methods)
Look at naps, option 1. W2S at this age is more often beginning shush/pat and continuing through the transition rather than the light disturbance method you describe.

If he sometimes wakes at 30 mins you will need to go in at 25 mins and continue for about 20 mins. Whether you are doing HTTJ or W2S  or both, basically you are helping baby transition and settle into a new cycle.

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Re: Wake to sleep help
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2014, 20:56:03 pm »
Did this today without any luck. He still completely waked up. When he wakes it is not really due to jolts but he just comes out of sleep and starts wiggling around. I feel like I have put so much into trying to extend his naps, wondering if I should just give up for now.

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Re: Wake to sleep help
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2014, 21:51:30 pm »
If it's getting you down in any way then taking a break and just going with the flow for a while may be the best option for now.
Otherwise you could look at his routine and see if anything could be changed to give a better chance of extending naps.