Hello everybody,
I would really appreciate your help, my son is 4 months old, previously he was on 3 hour easy and things were going well (1 and 5 waking to feed and the straight back to sleep) however we switched from combination feeding to just bottle feeding. He wouldn't take very much at the 3 hour mark so I switched him up to the 4 hour mark, however sometimes he makes it fine to the 4 hour mark and feeds really well (6-7 ounces) and sometimes he screams the house down to get more milk after 3 hours usually if he only took 4 ounces at the last feed (even though he has gone 4 hours since the previous feed), he will then only take 3 ounces and be hungry again in another two hours so the whole day of feeding just turns into a mess.
He has now started to wake up at 9.30 in the evening instead of 10.30 even though he always takes 6-7 ounces at 6.30 before bed and then only wants 4 ounces and wakes up around 1.30 takes again a small amount and then is unsettled until he takes more at 2.30 and the sleeps until 6.30 when the whole cycle seems to start all over again.
what should I do? Be more rigid about the times? He has a cold at the moment and has been sick with constipation before we switched him to the bottle full time.
Generally he is a good sleeper, he will go down for naps, self sooth back to sleep and can fall asleep on his own, however I do think the dummy is being used as a "prop". Regardless of this I just don't know how to regulate his feeding, I have tried the 3.5 easy but he again doesn't seem hungry enough to take a full feed, he is getting to the point that he can stay awake for 2 hours but it's more like 1.45 which again makes the 4 hour easier very hard to achieve.
Comments welcome thank you.