Another day... Another issue... Today has had me in tears with nap time. I thought I was getting somewhere as had three naps in last two weeks where my 8 week old ds had gone to sleep independently and gone through the horrific 45 min mark.
Today I did same as normal, fed him, changed him and sat talking to him on my knee keeping things calm etc, normally I wait for first or second yawn, go upstairs, swaddled and talk quietly before laying him in cot. Today just 40 mins after waking and feeding he yawned, so did the normal.
Omg... Carnage.... After fifteen mins he started crying, I pat shushed and the little rotter would fall to sleep on me everytime I picked him up but went crazy in his cot. I did this for an hour and then gave up. Weave it through to next feed time, and I swaddked him and put him straight down, again crying but I p/s in cot and he went to sleep for 30 mins..... Ugh.
Question is did I put him down too early? Are yawns not always reliable cues? Im aiming for one nap a day in cot and AP rest of time for both my sanity and as have school run for other children.
I'm so done in today with it :-(