Author Topic: Help! Baby only naps 45 min in EASY  (Read 1083 times)

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Offline Cole1387

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Help! Baby only naps 45 min in EASY
« on: November 24, 2014, 21:17:24 pm »
Hello ladies,
My LO is great on the EASY schedule except the naps during the day. This is our EASY routine (baby is 9.5 weeks old)
WU 0830 and feed
A until 10
S put down at 10 and only naps 45-1 hr (has more A until feed)
E 1130
A until 1pm
S put down at 1 only naps 45-1 hr (has more A until feed)
E 230pm
A until 330 or 4
S put down around 4 sleeps 45-1 hr
E 5pm
A (sometimes baby won't nap in evening just havs A until next feed!!!)
S maybe a catnap of 30-40 min
E 730 pm
Bedtime at 8 pm
Dreamfeed at 10pm

Now my question is how can I get baby to nap longer or is this schedule ok since he sleeps 12 hours at night and has a couple little naps during the day? He is a happy baby and I put him down at first Sleepy signs. He just seems to not need long naps and wakes up happy. And he goes down for night really well.
I guess I need advice or conformation that I am doing a good job with my EASY :) THANKS!

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: Help! Baby only naps 45 min in EASY
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2014, 03:00:32 am »
Hi there and welcome. It's great that your LO sleeps 12 hours a night. Night sleep is much more restorative. However, naps are important too. My DD also seemed super happy with her super short naps but after a while, it does catch up with you and can even affect night sleep. Your baby is still very small and is still learning sleep. Probably she cannot transition through the sleep cycles yet or maybe she is getting distracted by things in her room? We found that sleep improved (for a while) when we darkened her room completely. Is your LO going down for naps independently? Sometimes, if a prop is being used to put them to sleep, then they need that to transition.

Your schedule seems fine. Since your baby is waking up happy, you can't really do much at that point BUT maybe you can intervene before. So you could go in a few minutes before he would normally wake up and do wake to sleep or you could use a heavy hand to help him transition. The links below should help you

Why is it important that my baby gets more than a 45 minute nap?
How do I address habitual wakings? (wake-to-sleep and other methods)
short naps - remember to consider overstimulation!

Offline Cole1387

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Re: Help! Baby only naps 45 min in EASY
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2014, 03:56:54 am »
Thanks for your reply! Yes he goes down with ease most times. His room is dark, with a sound machine and I hold him in my rocker to let him know its sleep time. I don't use props for bed (sorry yes I do, a soother which he spits out before he falls asleep). I put him down sleepy but awake and he falls asleep fine but wakes up early.
Can you explain the wake to sleep method or the heavy hand!?!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 03:58:25 am by Cole1387 »

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: Help! Baby only naps 45 min in EASY
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2014, 04:36:42 am »
The habitual wakings link will help you out. Read it and then I can help with any points that need clarification :) How long does he take to fall asleep?

Offline Cole1387

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Re: Help! Baby only naps 45 min in EASY
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2014, 11:23:52 am »
It takes him about 5-10 min to fall asleep. I will try the wake to sleep method today and see how it goes! How many days does it take before you don't have to wake them?