Hi all
Am after some advice for my 2 year old (just turned 2).
This is her current routine:
7 breakfast
11.30 - 2 nap
7 bed
She has been doing this routine amazingly for months & months.
Last 3 days she has been fighting the nap massively. She would go up easily but now is wanting to play/tidy/anything except go up. Once up, we do normal wind down (books) & help her into bed. Then as soon as out of room she screams & gets out of bed. Stands by door till we go back in! This repeats lots of times!
We have a 2wk old baby which is obviously having big affect. 2yo is very loving to baby, but has been a lot more needy & tantrummy. we have had a couple of incidents where she's tried to take frustration out on baby, but we're trying to avoid this situations. Baby is bf on demand (pretty much every 3hrs day & night).
So basically after help on
1. Toddler nap
2. Tips for having 2yo & 2wo!
Thank you in advance I find this forum such a support.