Author Topic: Advice for trip to the UK from North America  (Read 788 times)

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Offline Cvbaby2014

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Advice for trip to the UK from North America
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:21:18 pm »
Hi there
I have seen a couple of FAQs on this, but was hoping for any advice that the mums can give.
We will be travelling with a 5.5 month old in a few weeks to London to visit family (and this is also where I am from).  It is a 5 hour time change.  We have been told conflicting things....keep the baby on the old time zone, ie it would turn into a 12-12 day...vs transition quickly to new time zone.
We will be staying 2 and a half weeks.
The flight there is a night flight, so arrive in the UK early morning.

Does anyone have any tips based on their experiences?

Also any advice on what to bring on the plane etc.  luckily when we get there, I have an 18 month old nephew, so there will be all the baby things I need already there.

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Re: Advice for trip to the UK from North America
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2014, 12:45:23 pm »
I would adjust to local time unless it was going to be a super-short trip.  You'll find this would likely happen naturally anyway over a period of a few days so best to go with it :). As you are arriving early morning, I would just go with the flow on your arrival day and let LO sleep as and when needed.  I would aim to do BT at your normal time on the new time zone ie if you usually do 7pm, put LO to bed for the night at 7pm UK time.  Expect some odd NWs, including to feed, for the first couple of days but just keep things dark and quiet as much as possible during night hours and get out as much as you can in the (limited) sunlight during the day.  From the next day I would try to aim for your usual routine as far as you can, possibly allowing for slightly shorter A times until LO adjusts.  You will probably need to wake from naps to begin with too. 

On the plane you probably won't need much for LO unless you have already weaned?  In which case take whatever food you may need including enough for unplanned delay of 24h plus if you bottle feed, enough for that.  They should be able to provide water on the plane or you could take some pre-mixed formula if you use it.  Several changes of clothes including for you - nothing like sitting covered in baby vomit - and nappies/wipes.  Maybe a couple of toys and any comforters/pacis etc your LO usually uses. A blanket/snoozeshade to rig up over the bassinet if you have one.  Be aware any time the seatbelt signs are on you will have to lift LO out onto your knee so may actually be worth just letting LO sleep on you. 

We did UK to Australia and back for 3 weeks with a 9/10 month old.  We found it took about 10 days for her to fully adjust on the way there and about 5 on the way back. That was a much bigger time difference though so hopefully you should be on track within 2-3 days :)

Offline Cvbaby2014

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Re: Advice for trip to the UK from North America
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2014, 22:04:17 pm »
Thanks!   Adjusting him to the time zone was what I was leaning towards.
He is breastfed and isn't weaned....and it is unlikely I will introduce solids while I am away.  We do top up with formula though so need to bring that with us.

Changes of clothes for us is a good idea!