Hi, I used Easy very successfully with my first son who is now 2.7yrs, I know it works just having a lot of trouble getting my second son into it. He is 20 weeks and he has severe reflux which we now have under good control with omeprazole and gaviscon, I am sure he is in no pain.My troubles are getting second A time correct and we are getting at least one NW every night usually around 3 or 4am with waking to start the day at 5:50 exactly every morning.
He isn't hungry when waking just refuses feed.
We got rid of the dummy 3-4 weeks ago so settles well at bedtime, naps are a bit more difficult. His EASY is
5:50 wake for the day feed 7oz
7:45 nap 1 (1.5hrs)
10:30 eat 7 oz
11:20 nap (45min)
12:05 awake
1:30 nap 1 hr
2:30 feed
4:00 nap this ranges from 30 mins to 1 hr
6:45/7:00 bedtime
10:30 dream feed
3:00/3:30 am awake sometimes for about 1 hr always upset
He wakes happy from his 2nap of 45 mins not sure if should increase A time?
Should I try to keep his bedtime to a 12 hr day keeping last cat nap short and bed for 6 are NW possibly due to over tiredness? Can't think of anything else
Day has began earlier and earlier before reflux set in he was waking at 7am and going to bed at 7 am woke for 1 feed at 2 then straight back too sleep. Night wakings got longer after we took away his dummy.
My oldest son has decided to start dropping his nap so also NW. I am just very tired and not sure where to go with my routine any help would be greatly appreciated.