Okay so after avoiding the issue, today I am starting tackling the nap in the cot monster!
Ds is 9 weeks and I can only give him one nap in the cot each day due to school runs, but today he had his feed at 10.00 (he's on 3.5 hour easy), and he started to yawn at 11.00am, so took him upstairs, one arm swaddled, rocked him for ten mins and put him down. He was fine for about ten mins and then it began!
Anyway, the upshot is i had to rock/pat shush until he was nearly asleep in my arms but not quite, then put him down. It took an hour! And I know he will only sleep for 45 mins but it's a start to get him off to sleep In There. I'm determined that every day this week he will have one nap in his cot....I Hope!