Hello hoping someone can give me some advice.
We are on a good enough routine but have some issues!
My easy goes like this
E 7am
A very limited just nappy change really!
S 8/8.10 sleep
I have to wake her after 2 hours of sleeping so depending what time she falls asleep i wake her after 2 hours so either 10 or 10.10am
E 10.30
A approx 1 hour
S 11.15 (sometimes only get a 45mins but sometimes 1.5hour)
E 1 or 1.30 (depends how long previous nap was)
A approx 1 hour 15mins
S 2 or 2.30 (sometimes 45mins but sometimes a 2 hour nap)
I always work to get her back to sleep so she gets 2 hours sleep!
E 4 or 4.30
A 1 hour 15mins approx
S 5.15-6pm
I always wake her at 6pm
We do playmat activities after 6 then take her upstairs for bedtime routine at 6.40 - i put her in cot while she watches her mobile and she laughs so much as she loves it! Then we bath at 6.50 for 10mins then shes dressed and ready for her bedtime bottle at 7.15- HOWEVER, as soon as she starts to get changed into her pjs she SCREAMS the place down - its awful! She was completely fine playing and she absolutely loves the bath so i dont understand what happens and i dont know what to do!!!
Sometimes she takes only 2oz when she drinks 6oz at every other bottle! And those 2oz is pure effort of putting her dummy in for a few mins then taking it out and putting bottle in!
She feeds fine usually at every other bottle, a bit squirmy due to reflux but completely under control with her meds!!
Anyone any advice on how to stop this crying at her bedtime bottle?