I,m at a loss on how to re-settle my LO when he wakes up from a too-short nap (30-45 mins) The thing is that he seems to be too alert for what used to work when this occured. For example:
Shh-pat : will constantly turn to look at the hand that is patting or me
Pu PD : stops crying after the first PU
Shushing : will stare at me
Self-settling : He's been turning over on the tummy and sometimes has a hard time turning back, so I tend to go in earlier than I would used to to see is he resettles, because I'm afraid he is stuck on his tummy!
Usually after 20-30 mins of all these failed attemps of putting him back down, I will take him out and go on with our day. What this is doing however is messing up our routine - we tend to have 3 or 4 naps a day instead of 2 long ones and a catnap.
Any ideas on how to resettle to have longer naps at this age?
This is our EASY these days
WU 6:00
E 6:30
S 8:00
A 8:50
E 10:00
S 11:00
A 12:00
E 1:00
S 3:15 (put him down at 2, finally fell asleep at 3:15!)
A 3:45
E 4:00
S 5:20
A 6:00
E 7:00
S 7:15
DF 11:00