Author Topic: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics  (Read 3673 times)

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How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« on: December 06, 2014, 21:17:37 pm »
Our daughter was an angel baby and is still a pretty steady 2 year old. The tantrums that have developed in the last month or so can be mind boggling but they're pretty textbook and exercise and good sleep seem to keep them at a reasonable level.  Still, there is one thing I'm not sure how to deal with and would love some other mothers' views please. . that's the bedtime stalling.

After DD's bath and book she needs the potty before bed (still in a cot). When done, we have a good cuddle and she goes down in her cot. . only to spring back up again saying she needs the potty. This happens 3 or 4 times and takes about 40 mins in total.  Each time the potty episode doesn't produce anything, she just sits there and then says 'finished' and we go back to bed. . I have tried sitting with her patiently , I have tried not sitting with her and asking her to come and tell me when she's finished (so as to make it less attention grabbing of me), I have tried explaining that I will not come again . . but she screams for 20 mins (the most I have left her - there was still nothing deposited in the potty). I've also tried starting the bath earlier. . but she procrastinated for an hour so as to make it last until the normal time.

What would you suggest?  We need to put her in a real bed soon but I am now nervous this behaviour will get out of hand. Evidently there are worse strange behaviours out there but I just wondered if any of you have any tips?

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Re: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2014, 22:18:46 pm »
I'm sorry I can't offer any help but sending hugs because we are in the same boat with our 2yo DS but he's in a bed. Same story, will cry and scream forever. He gets one chance to go and then that's it but I'm finding the whole ordeal very draining.

Best of luck.

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Re: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2014, 22:32:31 pm »
we had similar issues with my DS at this age. we made a chart for the bedtime routine (his preschool teacher suggest this!) . he wasn't PT when he was doing this but it was he wanted another "tuck in" - so after we tucked him in we allowed one more tuck-in (on the chart). after that, we would not go back in the room. we would just stand at the door and say "its time for bed". it was hard but after the first few nights, it got easier and then he stopped all that nonsense. Oh, and this was happening in the MOTN as well! I can't remember all the details (bc now he is 8 yo) and it was traumatizing and draining so i think i blocked it from my memory. 

so i would either suggest going to the potty one more time right before putting her into bed and NOT getting her out again when she calls potty (bc she has already tried going according to her "bedtime routine chart") OR allow her one more potty time after you put her down but no more after that.

if she is motivated by rewards, you could try a reward for her not calling out again. (this never worked with my DS until he was older and understand rewards).

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Re: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2014, 23:37:49 pm »
Is she night time dry?
Does she still have a nap, could this be interfering with BT?
Could be the usual half year disequilibrium which throws routine and BTs off track for a bit?

Offline Angelgoo

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Re: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2014, 20:37:44 pm »
Thanks everyone. . She used the potty mid-bathtime tonight and then again just before I put her down so I then allowed just 1 more (she gave me 'that look' - I knew she didn't need it!).. explaining what the rules were all along. . and now I am downstairs listening to a banshee wail above my head. . 5 mins and counting. .. ! I will go up and reaffirm the rules shortly. . .

Creations - She potty trained brilliantly during the day during the summer.  At night usually dry but not always (wears a night nappy).  There is sometimes a call for us to come for her to do a wee in the middle of the night. Naps about 2 in 3 days - this procrastination every night, regardless. She has basically been like a teenager (not wanting to go to bed; tricky to get out of it 12 hours later) for a couple of months now. I have asked her if she wants to be in a bed and she says no - looks a little nervous at the thought!

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Re: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2014, 22:41:30 pm »
I know you know why she is shouting out but I really wouldn't leave her banshee wailing. I understand it's tough having these difficult BTs every night but her shouting for you really needs some sort of response.

If you don't want to put her on the potty that's fine, you can set the rules for BT and night time wees, but I would either go to her room or stand outside the door and verbally reassure throughout the wailing so she knows she is being responded to.  Using or not using the potty is really not something to break the bond of trust over yk?

Then I'd look at routine and development.  To me it sounds like 2 things. First that she is in the process of becoming night dry which for some just happens one day, for others takes months (mine took 6 months from his first dry night at 25 months until he was finally fully dry, it was 6 months of anxiety for him as he wanted it so much) and depending on her nature this could be causing her some sleep disturbance just like any other development.  Second she may well need a slightly later BT. I'd probably move BT 20 - 30 mins later simply because you say you have 40 mins of messing around at BT.  She might settle more quickly with the later BT and wouldn't be losing any sleep overall.  As she is in the transition period of dropping her nap it would be understandable for her to need a later BT on her nap days. I usually had success in sorting out BT by responding to my DS's sleep needs, when he had serial call-backs after BT continuing for days/weeks it could generally be resolved with a later BT.
There are other ways to transition in the 1-0 of course, nap capping may be suitable or she may be ready to do more NNDs to ensure she is properly tired and ready to sleep at BT.

One way you might consider tackling the potty use after BT is to make a point of getting out of the room ie you have said goodnight and you have put the light off and left.  If she tries to keep you there for another potty call you might say "You have just had a wee you are ready to sleep now. It's sleepy time. Call if you need me, night night" - leave room.  Then when she calls you return (without waiting) but you treat as a NW. A NW for potty request would be no chat (or minimal and only whispers), no light (or dim night light) and totally boring. If it's only been a short time since she used the potty you can respond to her call-back or potty request by saying "you have already done a wee it is time to sleep" and "it's sleepy time, go to sleep" or whatever your usual key phrase is, repeat.  You can also tell her if she needs to wee she may use her nappy.

It sounds like you need to be firm with the ground rules but also to respond in a clear and timely manner to her call-backs.

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Re: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2014, 05:09:18 am »
when you reaffirm keep it short and sweet ...i didn't even go into the room again

if you are consistent it will work!

my 2.5 yo DD still in crib (with a crib tent!!!) and i am SO SO SCARED to move her to  BGB!!!!!

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Re: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2014, 12:57:58 pm »
I completely agree with creations.  I would certainly not leave her crying on her own, and I would be very cautious about what emotions get mixed up with using the potty, you don't want to create negative associations with that. 

Really, the heart of baby whispering is listening to your child and responding appropriately.  That can include anything from a million trips to the pot to reassuring from outside the door, but it does rule out leaving her to scream on her own.  The fact of leaving her to cry might in fact increase the likelihood of her messing about for attention at other times, iyswim. 
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

Offline Angelgoo

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Re: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2015, 21:06:02 pm »
Thanks all - every bit of advice was spot on. . . sometimes when in the thick of it you need a little guidance from you lot with perspective. 1 month later, a few tweaks to life and we are resolved . . as if by itself! In case anyone reading is interested as to how things panned out. . we did the firm reitteration of same message (but didn't let her trot to the pot more than twice) as many times as needed. It took about 2 nights only to stop her wailing.  She is now dry at nights and has pretty much dropped her day time nap - the latter has made bedtime much smoother as she's pretty knackered by then - in fact we've moved it 30 mins earler.  So we moved her from her cot to a big bed after Christmas and the transition has been amazingly smooth. . .except last night when apparently there was a crocodile under her bed so she wanted to move back to her cot. . . NEXT! 

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Re: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2015, 21:27:38 pm »
Wow what a wonderful update! No BT wails AND dry at night AND BGB - result!!  ;D ;D ;D

except last night when apparently there was a crocodile under her bed so she wanted to move back to her cot. . . NEXT! 
Aren't they funny!  Mine wanted to go back into his cot too but it was about a year after being in a BBB, it turned out he was cold and an extra blanket sorted him out.

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Re: How to deal with 2.5 yr old stalling bedtime tactics
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2015, 22:35:58 pm »
i need to read this thread over bc we are having drama at NT/BT now as DD does not want us to leave the room, etc. 