My little girl of 8 months is a hearty 3 solid meals a day eater, always 1 hour after her bottle (sometimes 1-2 hours after bottle for lunch, depends if we are out and about etc). (Bottles are still on a roughly 4 hour routine (wake up, mid morning, mid afternoon, bedtime), but we are on 3 hours awake etc - I guess I'm on a 4.5-5 hr EAEASY if that makes sense).
In New Zealand where I live, they recommend around 8 months you offer solids first, and then the bottle (or breast if you're BF). I'm nervous about this upsetting her routine too much. I can't find anywhere in my "Solves All Your Problems" book any tips for this.
Those who have done this - is this usually an easy transition? My baby still has around 800ml of formula a day, I guess I should expect this to drop a little after that. Also do you do the bottle after the meal or wait an hour or so?
I am nervous that she won't sleep or this will be too much change!!