Hi all, think it might be about time I join you
. Just been through an ear infection ver xmas, then developmental call backs at BT, this in turn has lead to nap refusals, or the nap being so late it's messed with BT.
DD is pulling 14+ hr days on just 45mins naps, so have chopped it back to 30mins when she does sleep. That helped with settling for BT for two days, back to taking her usual 30mins of singing to go back to sleep. We're still getting multiple call backs to use the toilet as well. 9/10 times she does go, but it's still getting frustrating. Before all this craziness she was on her way to being NT dry too, not so much anymore.
So what i have found so far is 2 NND's are ok. By the third we get terrible tantrums in the morning. She will not sleep over 11hrs ONS, maybe 11.5 if we're lucky. It's about right considering her total sleep in 24hrs is about the same. After 2 NND's i gave her an hour nap, obviously too long as she didn't go to sleep until 9pm after wu that morning at 6
So any thing i can do other than ride it out? What's worked for you lovely ladies? She's about to refuse her nap today by the looks of it. Shall i keep trying for a nap every day at this point or just once every third day or if her mood is particularly bad? She won't nap on the sofa.. she'll only sit still for 15mins if the awful peppa pig is on, otherwise she copes very well with busy NND's when we're out for the day.
Opps forgot to post what we're doing atm:
wu 6.30
BT 7 asleep 7.20/30
or nap
wu 6.30
nap 2-2.30
BT 8 asleep 9 onwards
TIA xx