Rachsk8, my DS just turned 3.5 yrs old and I could be wrong, but his behavior sounds developmental to me. I guess you could try an EBT of 7 pm just to see if that helps though . . . I'm pretty clueless myself so hopefully some more experienced ladies will be along to give better advice!
We are STUCK in this transition at the moment
DS is still napping at pre-school (5 days at week) and he is not falling asleep until at least 9:30 at night, sometimes later. We put him down around 8:45 and then get BT shenanigans. I want my evenings back!!! On weekends we don't offer a nap - he's in bed and asleep by 7:45/8 and it's wonderful. However if we are out and about in the afternoon on the weekends he will fall asleep in the car, and even a 30 min nap will result in a late BT if it's later in the day. I feel like my hands are tied - we are not going to make any progress w/ nap dropping as long as he is napping at pre-school.
Fortunately I am off work for 2 months this summer and DS will only be attending pre-school 2 days a week - my goal for this summer is to get rid of the nap completely!
Currently DS listens to white noise when he sleeps, but I'm thinking of letting him listen to a CD of songs instead, to see if that keeps him entertained until he falls asleep (and hopefully stops calling for us every 5 seconds!) Do you think that's a good or bad idea???
Here's my other issue - DS still sleeps in a crib. We want to transition him to a toddler bed before summer, so he can spend the night with relatives and we can also travel with him, with him sleeping in a bed and not a pack-n-play (which is what we used last summer and he is obviously too big for now). But is switching to a toddler bed during the 1:0 a horrible idea??? I can't imagine the freedom to get up at will helping the BT shenanigans! So what to do???
I'm SO happy this is the last sleep transition!!! I'm tired of obsessing about DS's sleep!!!
Zoe are things any better on your end???