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Support for dropping the nap part 12
« on: December 08, 2014, 10:32:18 am »
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Support for dropping the nap part 11

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Offline Mattsmummy

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2014, 17:34:59 pm »
alright ladies,
We are in what seems like an endless pit right now.  M is not napping anymore and is starting to even resist an APOP'd car nap...

He is waking so early in the morning anywhere between 5-6am...Usually needs to pee and then will not go back down. Once he's up he's up. I can, most morning, have him play quietly in his room, but that only lasts for so long and then he's on about needing a drink/something to eat...and tbh I've got to get up for work so it's just as well.

He has a long day at nursery and when I pick him up, he is shattered. Will sometimes fall asleep in the car on the way home even though the drive is only 5 minutes.

He won't tack on but I've been forced to get him down as early as I can b/c otherwise he'll have a ridiculously short night. As it is he is only pulling 10-11 hours.

HELP!!! I have no routine left, and with such little sleep his behavior is deplorable and then I get impatient and throw gas on the fire...

His BT when he was napping was 8 and he would wake normally around 645/7 am.  Now BT is usually as early as I can get it. He is falling asleep anywhere between 630-730 and then up early...

I'm really struggling with this no napping...  :-\
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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2014, 21:21:34 pm »
That sounds tough Mattsmummy :( Will he nap in the car in the day?  Lily hasn't napped in bed since she was around 2, but will fall asleep if she's in the car for at least 20 minutes at 2ish. Even a short nap once or twice a week might help?

We seem to have found a pattern here.  Who knows how long it'll last,  but J has stopped napping at nursery, so he has 2 NNDs in a row, a big catch nap on Wednesday, and naps every day at home til nursery comes around again.  Within a day or two of long naps (1hr 20) he's back to a 1hr nap or less, but he's mostly doing well at night which is all I care about really!  He's handling it really well.  He gets grumpy in the last 10 minutes before his milk at bedtime on NNDs, but otherwise is a happy boy all day :)

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2014, 21:50:47 pm »
And so it begins, time to climb aboard the final nap dropping train! Part of me will be glad when it's gone but then the other selfish half is saying I need some time out, but I guess that's what quiet time is for?!
So we had our first nap refusal at the weekend and he coped admirably and pulled a 12
Hr night. He's been at nursery two days and I have no idea how they get him to sleep so early at 12.30 but they do and he's slept till just before 2pm but is now mucking at BT, tonight was 45 minutes and so we're getting 10.25/10.5 ONS  so it seems 12 hrs is what he needs right now?

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2014, 16:21:26 pm »
Okay so 1 hour nap yesterday at nursery, didn't fall asleep till almost 9 pm and up at 6!!!
He is going to be one tired boy tonight.
Should I bring bt up way early and risk an early morning???
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Offline oliversmommy

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2014, 02:05:21 am »
Okay my 1:0 transition BW experts I need some advice!  DS turned 3 in Sept, he naps during the week at his all-day preschool, but has not napped in his crib on the weekends at home for a few months now (due to refusals).  I can APOP a nap in the car and have been doing so on the weekends when he is home.  We've had a few NNDs here and there, but about a month ago he fell asleep sitting up in the grocery cart at the grocery store in the late afternoon, so I figured he still needed his naps.  Then last weekend and this weekend we did a NND on Sunday and he did great (moved BT up by 1 hr).  Not sure of his nap length at preschool but in the car he naps 1-1.5 hrs (I always cap at 1.5 hrs).  When he wakes up he is GRUMPY and it takes him about an hr to return to his usual happy self.  ONS averages 10-11 hrs; 12 hrs after a NND.

So this is all well and good except we will all be home for 2 wks over the holidays; therefore DS will be getting either NNDs or APOPd car naps for 2 wks.  I know holidays are crazy and we won't really be able to adhere too strictly to a routine, but do you think I should try alternating NNDs and car nap days?  Or a NND every few days?  Or just play it by ear and only offer a car nap if he seems to really need one?

Do LOs typically nap after a long night (due to EBT on a NND) or are they too well rested from the long night? 

Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated!  :)  :)  :)

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2014, 23:09:34 pm »
Hey everyone, sounds like you are all having a tough time. I'd personally apop car naps whenever needed - but that's me. Hope things smooth out although it's so hard during the holiday season isn't it?

That's where my dilemma is now. We are overseas for 3 weeks right now, and there's a 2hr time difference between home and here (we are behind 2 hrs from our home time). I'm stuck with some really early wu's and long days. Our Bt at home was 7.30pm and we were getting 11-11.5hr ons mostly. Now we're all over the place. First day here was a 13hr day and new bed etc so I expected a disrupted night, which it was. I did a 6pm Bt and he woke at 4.45am. Ugh. He had a car nap yesterday afternoon (late) after a 5.30am Wu, 10.5hr ons. He napped 3.45-5.15pm so maybe too long/late but I hoped it would help us shift our schedule. He went to bed at 8pm (a long day but it was a Xmas dinner with friends and best we could do really) asleep about 8.30pm I think, was hard to tell. So only a 9.75hr night last night. He woke at 6am today. What would you do with Bt tonight? Not sure the nap helped - maybe hindered. He has been without a nap for quite a few months unless sick or really super tired. His moods are ok thus far, not sure how he's coping really.

Any thoughts?
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Offline oliversmommy

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2014, 01:18:06 am »
Well we are 1 wk into the holiday break and so far it's been a car nap every day - he definitely still seems to need them.  We've had a few late nights due to family gatherings so I think that's contributing to the need for a nap.  I had planned to skip the nap Christmas day (we hosted Christmas at our house) but BT the night before was later than planned (again due to a family event) and DS actually agreed to a nap in his crib that day!  First crib nap in months!  And with company present!

So I think we'll continue w/ the car naps this wk and then it's back to preschool next wk and his usual routine.

How is everyone else coming along?

Rachsk8 - how are things on your end?  I can't imagine dealing with travel and a time change during this transition!  :P

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2014, 03:38:02 am »
Hey all! I haven't been on here in ages...

Rachsk8, when we had a 3 hour time difference I tried to gradually shift him to the new time. This was when he was still napping so it was a bit easier. I had to stretch him quite a bit the first two days and by the 3rd day he was on the new time. They get overtired by it, but they adjust. I think when we returned sleep was tougher on him. We got home at 12 am CA time, which was like 9 pm Hawaii time. He slept in till about 11 am the next day. Getting him back to his normal schedule at home was much tougher. Do all you can on vacation as any kind of trip disrupts their sleep.

We are getting 11 hours overnight solidly this week. We were getting some EWU last week and then he got some stomach bug. Those two nights he slept 12 ONS which is rare for him. We get mostly 10.5-11 hours without a nap now. I learned to keep things consistent with bedtime. It's always 8 pm unless he is sick (two nights he only made it to 7:30) and wake up is always 7 am. I come get him at that time even if he woke earlier or he's not up yet. This has been working well and my LO is 38 months, almost 39 months. Hopefully his sleep needs stick to the same amount for a while.

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2015, 10:08:31 am »
Okay so 1 hour nap yesterday at nursery, didn't fall asleep till almost 9 pm and up at 6!!!
He is going to be one tired boy tonight.
Should I bring bt up way early and risk an early morning???

Hey Hun, even if he hasn't tacked on until now, there is a good chance that he will start to do so during the 1-0. It looks like you don't have any choice. Is he at nursery every day, how does your week look  ???

((HUGS)) to all of you ladies, I will start to pop on here more often and see if I can help out. The 1-0 was a long transition for S with things constantly changing. Have you all seen this:

The 1-0 transition...Advice and Tips to help you through.


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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2015, 17:41:00 pm »
Hello all, I figured I'd join this discussion since DS1 is now 3 and has been refusing his nap more and more recently. He used to be an OT mess on nnd's, but he handles himself pretty well at the end of the day now. We have been getting some EW's on both nap and no-nap days, usually to use the bathroom (though he still wears a diaper at night, so likely it's just an excuse to come out of his room before his light goes on). He's averaging about 3 nnd's a week either at home or at nursery, so there's no real pattern (it could be a few days in a row or just a one off). At home he often sleeps on the couch for his nap, but some days he just won't settle down.

There are some days when DS1 will fall asleep on the couch at around 5:30 (ebt would be 6:45, regular bt is 7:30), I wake him immediately, and he's so unhappy about it, but I'm scared for bt if he sleeps then. We don't always do ebt's on nnd's (if the logistics don't work out), and often if we do have an ebt, he has an ew, so there's no winning. Very rarely he'll sleep in.

I would really love to see him stop the EW's though.

It is almost comical how negative and grumpy he becomes on nnd's (he's usually a happy go lucky boy). When I pick him up from nursery I can usually tell pretty quickly if he didn't nap. (a recent conversation: "did you have fun at your cousin's house this morning?" "no, I didn't", "do you want to go back" "yeah, I do" or another conversation on the way pick up his little siblings at the babysitter: "I don't like 'dd', she ays 'dadadada'" "oh" "I don't like 'ds2', he says 'dadadada'" "ah ha").

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2015, 20:47:36 pm »
I'm joining in. This is awful. DD1 refused her nap at CM's today so I tries BT of 18:30 and she just cried and cried until eventually falling asleep at 20:20 she was crying for me to hold her hand, rub her back, sleep next to her. Anytime I left the room she was in floods of tears.

20:20 is way later than her usual BT and that's with a nap, so tomorrow will be awful. I have no idea how to deal with this especially as DD2 is going through a stage of being up and down after BT

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Offline rachsk8

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2015, 02:34:35 am »
Hugs Eva's Mummy - how are things going now? This is such a difficult transition sometimes. What time was WU after the 20.20 BT?

We have had a string of colds, tonsillitis, etc here plus travelling home back to our regular time zone so I feel like I don't know if we are coming or going atm! Someways the later Bt suits me because it's summer here, but I feel like I don't get any evening to myself! We are getting somewhere between 11-12hrs ons on average still, but we've had a bunch more naps than usual also (falling asleep in car). Wondering if they are helping or hindering, tbh. DS sleep needs do go up when he's sick, and often will still sleep ok overnight with a nap when he's not well.

Wonder if I will ever get to the point of just simply depending on ONS... How often do you allow a catch up nap? Wait til the mood/behaviour is well and truely pointing to OT? Give a few EBT to see if that helps first?

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Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2015, 10:52:33 am »
Adding some ((HUGS)) for you ladies, Eva's Mummy, so often with the 1-0 BT crying or screaming is present, so it is 'normal' so to speak. If she refuses the nap, can you make sure she gets some down time, it really does help to cosy up on the sofa with soft toys and just chill watching her favourite programme for eg. I used to do this at the time when the nap used to be.

Also, is she an independent player? Would she play in her room with soft lighting alone, with you popping back? Is there any chance that she would lay herself down and drop off for a while. Sometimes for a LO, the pressure of being asked/told/encouraged to nap is the very thing that will make them 'not' especially during the 1-0. This worked for DS a few times, at nap time and at BT. Forgive me, I'm not familiar with the full story of all your LO's so this is presuming you still want he to nap most days.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 10:55:14 am by Sammysmammy »

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Re: Support for dropping the nap part 12
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2015, 13:49:28 pm »
Surprisingly WU was 7:20 so a decent sleep. I do still want to hold on to the nap for as long as possible as I don't think she can cope without it at all just now. Its just happened all of a sudden.

I'm not sure is she would play in her room, she is still in a cot so I would need to put toys in there and see if she would be happy. Usually she always wants mummy to play with her.

How long does it normally take from start to finish to drop the nap and be happy without one?

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