Author Topic: Tackling naps...... Update!  (Read 1050 times)

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Offline LizWaby76

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Tackling naps...... Update!
« on: December 08, 2014, 12:08:58 pm »
Well after a solid week of getting the little man (10 weeks) to sleep in his cot during the day... It's worked!!

I can only manage one nap a day with school runs etc so the other two naps are APOP.. But for three days now we have had IS at nap and bedtime...

He is only napping 45 mins at the moment and extending it seems nearly impossible but I know that will pass with time.  This is his current EASY if anyone has any thoughts on how to improve would be hugely appreciated...

E - 0630/0700
S  - 0800 - it's a bit long but has to fit in with school run, this nap is in his pram and he sleeps whilst on the walk to school

E - 1000/1030
S - 11.15 ish 45 min nap. Occasionally can extend but only if he sleeps on me

E - 1330/1400
S 1445 - again in pram on way to school will sleep for 2 hours as rock back to sleep at 45 min point.

E - 1700
A - 1815 bath

E - 1830/1900
No A time straight to sleep.


NW's are currently at around midnight and 0400am ish

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Tackling naps...... Update!
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2014, 12:20:54 pm »
Looks pretty good for this age to me hun, some A times a bit long but seeing as your nights are ok by the looks of things I wouldn't change anything major just yet x