Author Topic: Very long NWs, why?  (Read 1652 times)

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Very long NWs, why?
« on: December 10, 2014, 21:03:35 pm »
DD had been STTN for several months before these past two weeks.  Now, she's been waking in the middle of the night for hours.  It can take anything between 1.5 and 3 hours for her to go back to sleep. The time at which she wakes is pretty random (9:30pm, 12:30 am, 3am).

I wonder if it's developmental or routine related (or OT?).  I really don't know.  She's not in pain, hungry or uncomfortable I think.  Oh, and no amount of APOP seems to work, either. She just can't fall asleep.  She doesn't really "cry", she's mostly whimpering and fussing, AND I have to be there with her.  If I leave, all hell breaks loose.  She settles happily for her nap and at BT, so I really don't understand what could be going on.

Her EASY is more or less as follows:
WU 7:00/7:30am
S 10:30/11:00 (usually naps for 2 hours)
BT 6:45/7:00pm

She has a very occasional catnap in the afternoon (around 3:30-4:00), but she's mostly on one nap now.
She'll be 1yo next Tuesday.

Any ideas?

Thanks!!  :)

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Re: Very long NWs, why?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2014, 09:50:49 am »
Hi Ana! Have this NW started when she went to one nap? Can you see any correlation?

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Very long NWs, why?
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2014, 10:27:48 am »
Could also be ww related, there's a huge one at 1yo. For some it means more sleep, for others not. Sorry you might be in the latter category. That's quite a long A to BT however, does she prefer it that way round? I'd still be tempted to push out that nap as it may be she's using that to catch up on the missed sleep from the NW's as she knows nap time is early on perhaps?

As Martii said, has this all started since moving to one nap? Also check for 1yo molars, that was the cause of longish NW's in this house x

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Re: Very long NWs, why?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2014, 21:42:07 pm »
Thank you, ladies  :)

Martii I hadn't thought about that but now that you mention it, it might be, yes, these crazy NWs might have started when she started to nap once a day more consistently...

Could also be ww related, there's a huge one at 1yo. For some it means more sleep, for others not. Sorry you might be in the latter category.
:'( :'( :'(

I'm not sure about the molars, she only has 6 teeth in the front...I can't see anything in the back.

I'd like to push the time of the nap too but then she wouldn´t be able to nap for as long as she wants because I'd have to wake her to go pick up DS at 1:00...she seems to manage the long A time just fine...she gets cranky around 6pm...

Should I cap her nap and then offer a second nap in the afternoon? (try to go back to 2 naps?). Or keep one nap and do EBT?
I mean, assuming this is routine related...

How long would you wait before making routine changes to rule out WW or any other developmental thing first?


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Re: Very long NWs, why?
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2014, 22:08:57 pm »
11 months is early for dropping to 1 nap, so offering two naps at that age won't be strange. Maybe not getting back to two naps consitently as you went to 1 nap not without a reason, but alternating days?  WDYT?
I wouldn't cap a nap just offer a short catchup nap in the morning every couple of days.

Offline Mackjack

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Re: Very long NWs, why?
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2014, 23:23:34 pm »
Hi. I was having the exact same problem as you.  DS is still on 2 naps but with an occasional 1 nap day. I was getting long NWs just like yours - not really crying, just whimpering and not able to leave the room. It seems that it was OT. Any day he didn't get enough sleep or we had a long A til BT we would get the NWs.  I would say try to give a 2nd nap if you can and see if that helps.

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Re: Very long NWs, why?
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2014, 07:01:17 am »
Backing up what Martii and mackjack say.. I would offer a two nap day every 3 days or so, maybe every other.

On one nap days, if she starts to get cranky around 6, you could try for BT then. It may been a slightly earlier wu the next day if she's had a decent nap though, but at least the following day you could do a two nap day? May seem a little crazy asking for an earlier wu though. Otherwise you could bring BT slightly earlier to 6.30 and hope she doesn't wake much earlier.

Even though we originally did long am, short pm nap when we did go to one nap and I needed her to catch up I switched it around. This is because she was starting to get used to one nap and would always refuse the second. So I'd make an effort to be out in the car in the morning, let her have a quick 15mins CN then I could pd for the afternoon nap a little later. That might help for you? Perhaps look at a quick 20mims CN at say 10, then try for the longer nap after you pick your DS up at 1.20? Might be worth a shot for a day to see?

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Re: Very long NWs, why?
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2014, 20:15:07 pm »
Thank you all!
Your suggestions make total sense, I'll give them a try...Alternate 2-nap days with 1 nap days and do EBT on 1-nap days...
That has to help.

Even though we originally did long am, short pm nap when we did go to one nap and I needed her to catch up I switched it around. This is because she was starting to get used to one nap and would always refuse the second. So I'd make an effort to be out in the car in the morning, let her have a quick 15mins CN then I could pd for the afternoon nap a little later. That might help for you? Perhaps look at a quick 20mims CN at say 10, then try for the longer nap after you pick your DS up at 1.20? Might be worth a shot for a day to see?
She didn't wake at all last night and the night before, and coincidentally, she had had a CN in the morning (we were out and about) and I "had" to put her down for her long nap after 1pm. So yes, this is definitely worth a try and could work for us.

I don't know why I had my mind so set on doing whatever it took to have her nap her "long, good" nap in the AM, running my errands in a frenzy to be home at 10 for her to go to sleep.  ::)
I'm glad I asked you!

I'll tell you in a few days how this turns out.
Thanks again!  :-*