Hi All,
I am new to this forum, but not new to EASY & BW techniques. We introduced EASY at 1 month, and my LO was doing fabulously on his 3 hour EASY until about a month ago. He would go down to sleep at 8-8:30 and wake for his first feed at 12AM, and then again at 4AM.
Over the past 4 weeks, myself and hubby have been through the ringer with waking up every 2 hours to shh/pat back to sleep, and/or feed. I know that my LO had a growth spurt, and he also just got over a cold. I also have begun him on a 3.5 hour EASY and his nap times are less (3 instead of 4). His bed time as a result of less naps, has become 7-7:30. As per a close girlfriend of mine who suggested (her mother was a nanny for 30 years) to keep him up as much as possible during the day to help me tire out at night. We try to let his last nap and the bedtime have a longer gap of 3.5 hours.
Right now his schedule is as follows:
7AM-Wake & E 4 oz.
10:30-E 4oz
2:00-E 4oz
4:00-S (last nap of the day, usually around 45 min)
5:30-E 4oz
7:00-Bath & bedtime routine
7:30-small feed usually around 2-3 oz & sleep
10:30-Wake (First feed (4oz.)
12:30-Wake--sh/pat back to sleep
2:30-Wake-Feed (4oz.)
6:30-7-Wake for the day
We are exhausted & stressed!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!