Author Topic: 6 week old and waking off and on through naps  (Read 1010 times)

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Offline Kirstenjohnson0529

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6 week old and waking off and on through naps
« on: December 17, 2014, 15:56:09 pm »
My second baby just turned 6 weeks old. For the last couple of weeks shes been in this pattern of waking off and on through her naps. Typically it looks something like this. I'll lay her down when she's very drowsy, but not fully asleep. Most the time it takes her 15-20 minutes to fall asleep (which I know is normal). She will fuss and mantra cry a little, but will usually fall asleep. She will sleep for 15-20 minutes and then wake up crying. She'll fuss and mantra cry another 15-20 minutes before falling asleep again. This can go on for the whole nap. There are times she'll fall asleep and stay asleep. There are also times when she'll wake up and really start to cry. When I can tell its real crying I will go back there and do Shhh/Pat. Most the time it does not work. I guess I'm looking for some advice. What am I doing wrong? Could it be a wake time thing? Should I go back sooner? I have always given her time to try and work it out on her own and learn some self soothing (especially since she's not really crying), but maybe I should go back and Shh/pat at the first waking.

If she's hasn't taken a good naps for most the day, I will do some APOP to prevent completely overtiredness. I'll either wear her in a baby sling or let her sleep in her Rock and Play Sleeper.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 6 week old and waking off and on through naps
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2014, 19:59:14 pm »
Do you swaddle hun? Waking at that time is just in line with the jolts that happen when they transition into deep sleep.

What's your A times looking like currently? Should be looking at around 1hr 15ish max.

Offline Kirstenjohnson0529

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Re: 6 week old and waking off and on through naps
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2014, 14:55:02 pm »
We are swaddling.

I am trying to keep that A time too. For instance this morning. She woke about 7:45 am. We went back and got ready for her nap about 8:55.  She was also getting a little fussy so I thought it might be a good nap. It seemed like I was getting her down within the correct window. However, this nap went like all the others, waking on and off.

I'm trying not to get discouraged. Every nap I think, "this might be the one. She's finally going to start making some progress." So far that hasn't happened.

Offline echohush

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Re: 6 week old and waking off and on through naps
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2014, 15:20:13 pm »
I had this problem with my DS too at 6 weeks. Swaddling solved a lot of the problems but two other things helped more. First I created a very very solid wind down for nap routine and never deviate from it (unless we go out of the house).  The second thing I did was significantly shorten his A time, especially in the morning naps. I went back to putting him down within the hour and he took really good naps until about 8-9 weeks but that is another story!  Now at 11 weeks we are sticking pretty good to a 3 hr easy with A time only being 1 hr 15 min.  Maybe try getting to her earlier?


Offline Kirstenjohnson0529

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Re: 6 week old and waking off and on through naps
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2014, 19:40:55 pm »
Thanks echohush! What does your wind down routine look like? I will change her diaper and get her swaddled. Then we sit and rock just a little-not fast just real slow and gentle. While sitting I'll hum a few songs to her. Then we stand by the crib. I wait until she's calm and very drowsy with heavy eyes. Then I lay her down. It can take awhile for me to get her calm. Sometimes she's crying while we stand there but often it's restless fussing. It can take 20 minutes before I can lay her down.

Offline echohush

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Re: 6 week old and waking off and on through naps
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2014, 14:21:18 pm »
Sorry for the delay!  Our wind down is so similar to yours!

- Diaper change
- Story
- Into Swaddle
- Rock and sing two songs
- Put into crib when relaxed

We also have black out shades and a sound machine for white noise.  It seems to help him.  Sometimes he fusses during the story so I know he is really tired and get him right into the swaddle. More often he does his mantra cries, very short, when we rock for a bit.  I do rock him for a few minutes. I don't think he is really deeply asleep but drowsy enough to feel safe and relaxed.

Through the newborn period, which we are approaching now the end, I really feel, and this is just personal, that he needed my help and comfort to sleep.  It is important to gauge if your baby is ready for any sleep training. With my DD I discovered BW late and used PU/PD to fix a no nap problem and 16 nursings a DAY! :o  Now with DS I have been following the principles of BW from the beginning - keeping feeding away from sleeping (unless at night or sick, growth spurt, etc.) and focusing on creating positive sleep associations where he understands the expectation for sleep is coming. It is working as long as I am consistent. Honestly so much so that he now isn't a great car sleeper. But I will take that over never napping at home!

There are a lot of people here who post about how sshh/pat doesn't always work for their babies and makes them very angry. Some mom's have modified to rubbing the head or tummy.  Some don't use it at all.  Honestly, I don't use it with DS. He got really upset and I was loosing the nap and my sanity. Oh, and while I'm not a mod here I do believe 20 mins is the length of time it takes them to get into their deep sleep period so that would make sense.