I have a nearly 5 month old. He started sleeping from 7 til 7 without a night time feed at 3 months, but suddenly stopped doing that, and 2 weeks ago started waking up at least 3 times a night (sometimes more). I've had to start dreamfeeding him at 11 and he'll often still not make it through until 7am, mostly waking up at 5ish needing to be fed. (NB I'm very sure it's due to hunger as I've observed him over the past week).
His usual night time routine was:
6.30pm Bath and story etc bedtime cues
7pm A large bottle feed and straight to sleep with no issues until 7am
During the day, I breastfed at 7am, 11am, and 5pm, with a large bottle at 3pm and 7pm. This worked perfectly.
Lately the following changes have happened:
1. Started waking up at night due to hunger
2. Started demanding much more food at his bottle feeds (up from 180 to 210mls for past 2 weeks), and started demanding to be breastfed every 2.5 to 3 hours instead of 4 hours.
3. Very distracted for the day time breastfeeds. Only sucks for about 6-10 minutes, then starts playing (if awake), or falls into a deep sleep. (I'm guessing he does this as soon as my flow slows down.)
I am associating his need for extra food with a growth spurt, and his night wakings due to the fact he is not getting enough during the day because he keeps playing instead of sucking.
The only time he feeds well and concentrates is when he is given a bottle. I am convinced his 6 minute feeds do not give him anything close to the 210 mls he gets if he feeds from a bottle.
I could give in and give him another 210ml bottle to satisfy his hunger during the day, but I don't want to do this and would like to increase his intake from breastfeeding not the bottle. How can I do this as he keeps playing each time he feeds and has essentially become a snacker? Even if I lengthen the time between feeds to make him extra hungry, as soon as he is put on the breast he sucks well for a few minutes and then starts playing or falls asleep (one or the other).
I am now demand feeding him every 1-2 hours just to see if he will eat more but I think this may fuel his snacking habit.
I'm at my wits' end and would appreciate any advice.