My twins are 4 months old (although by adjusted age they won't be 4 months until January 9th) and I think they're ready to move on from the 3 hour program. I've only been following the baby whisperer routine for a few weeks, and with the holidays we're totally off track right now, so I want to start back up tomorrow but on a 3.5 hour routine.
I think they're ready because:
-often not hungry at the 3 hour mark
-some feeds are very small, only 2-3 ounces (although 6 oz is the most they will ever take)
-taking 45 minute naps
-waking up early
-each weigh about 14-15 pounds (birth weight 5 lbs 10 oz)
I'm worried about extending the awake times though, as one twin gets really cranky and fussy at about 1.5 hours awake.
I haven't been doing dream feeds, because we've been going to bed earlier than 10. Since the babies have us up in the night, we need to go to bed early to get enough sleep. So usually there is a night feed around 1 or 2 am, which is fine with me. The problem is the 5 am wakeup, when they won't take more than a couple of ounces. They will then go back to sleep in the swings (not in the crib) and I have to wake them up at 7. So I think I need to stop trying to feed them at 5 am, but those two hours are going to be really hard.
The other thing I'm not sure about is that right now one twin often won't eat at 7 pm. So I've been reducing his 4 pm feeding in hopes he'll be hungry at 7, but with limited success. Is that the right thing to do, or should I just feed him according to what he wants? A couple of days ago he ate 6 oz at 4 pm, and then had nothing at bedtime. He didn't wake up until 2 am for a full feed. But then he was up at 5 am and hungry, he had 5 ounces at 5 am.
The other problem is that we're trying to feed them 6 oz at a feeding, but they often only want 4 oz and that doesn't seem like enough. Baby Whisperer says "just add another ounce" to their bottles when changing to longer intervals, but I can't force them to drink it. Does this mean they aren't ready for the change?
With twins, I am going with more of a schedule than a routine. It doesn't work otherwise, we just end up in chaos. I keep a chart and track eating and sleeping times - so I can make some adjustments, but I need them to get on the same schedule, so I feel like I need to just decide what time naps and feedings are and stick to it.
The main thing I think I may have to adjust is morning naps - it seems like they really only want to take short naps in the morning. In the afternoon they will easily nap 2 hours, I keep waking them up at the 2 hour mark for fear they won't sleep at night, but I'm wondering if I should change it up so they take one long nap in the afternoon. I'm also worried about eliminating the suppertime catnap - if only so we can eat in peace!
This is my plan, I made some minor adjustments:
E: 7.00 wake up and feed
A: 1hr 30 - 1hr 45
S: 8:45am
E: 10.30
A: 1hr 30 - 1hr 45
S: 12:15 pm
E: 2.00
A: 1hr 30 - 1hr 45
S: 3:45 pm
E: 5.30 feed (small feed)
A: 1hr 30 - 1hr 45 inc. bath time
E: 7 pm feed
S: 7:30/8 pm Bedtime
Y: the evening is yours
Sorry this is so long, it's the first chance I've had to sit down at the computer and I've been trying to figure this all out. Thanks for reading.