Dear all,
I need help with my 6,5 month old DS' routine - he is a spirited baby, breast fed and started solids during his 5th month.
We have been following a 3-hour EASY since he was 3,5 mo, but it clearly is not working anymore. About a month ago everything got upside down and we started waking
multiple times a night. He has never been a good sleeper anyways, but it feels it is progressively getting worse.
Here is our routine (what it used to be);
E 6:00 wake up and BF.
S 7:30 - 8:30
E 8:30 BF (mom tops up before leaving for work)
S 10:00
E 11:30/12:00 fruit puree + EBM
S 13:00
E 14:30/15:00 vegetable puree + EBM
S 16:00/16.30 catnap
E 17:00/17:30 BF
S 18:30 BT routine with bath and BF, sleeping by 19:30
DF around 10.30-11 pm
Wakes up once to BF during the night
There are also some major changes in his life. Both his grandmas stayed with us, for about a month each (living in another country than our families) to help us with him
as I started working when he was 4 mo. Now they are gone and after the holidays he is starting daycare for the first time, so I do not have the time for transitioning to 3,5 or 4 hour EASY.
Here are my specific questions;
- I have been observing him these two days. His naps have never been worse - no matter what I do, I cannot get past the 30 min mark
These two days we put him to sleep 4 times, each 30 min. - horrible.. Should I just start enforcing two naps? His first nap is always around 7.30 - he gets very sleepy only after 1,5 hour A time. If we are lucky he sleeps 45 min to an hour there. Should I try to extend his A time here?
- Currently for naps, if I start his wind down the minute I recognize his tired signs, he goes to sleep in 10 - 15 min without fighting, so no problem there. But he has problems staying asleep - can it still be UT?
- He is starting day care in 10 days. Any suggestions/tips on how to adapt to this change?
I know this has been a long post and my apologies if it is all over the place. It seems there are just so many things to address but I do not know where to start from.
Thank you for reading and I look forward to the suggestions.