Hi there,
Im a new member - a firt time mom - a non English speaking background...
And my LO is 15weeks old (the tough - messy - horible....period
So would u pls use E as simple as possible to help me & LO passing this time. Many thanks.
2 wks ago LO followed 3hr routine 7-7 quite good w 3naps,1CN & 2NF. The only problem was all naps were CNs 30-40min. But I alwys sent him back to sleep for more than 1h after each CN.
I mix feed (1 -1 BF & Bottle)
- Dropping the amount of botttle feed from 120ml to 100ml -70 ml- 50ml- 20ml...
- At BF: He pop in & out for couple òf min then stop.
- Pooping hardly w thick dark poo for 5days - then 2 days of running green poo - then STOP pooping for 5days - then 1 green running again - and STOP again for 3days up to now
- CN changed from 30-40 min to 45min
- NW some days every hour. Some 30min.
- EW 4h30, 5h30, 6h30
So I thought I need to increase A &E.
I started by increase A from 1h30 to 1h40. He slept through naps for first day but from the secondday...
His day becomes
W: 6:30 - 6:45
E: 7:00 (bottle) 50-70ml max
S: 8:00- 8:25 (A:1:40 or 1:30 depend how many NWs)
CN 45min
Cry & resettle by me or himself 15 -30m
CN : 45min
We come back the circle EAS after his second CN so we dropped to 3naps in a day time but he still not interested in feeding.
I next increase E to 3.5 sometimes 4hr but he still took a bit.
The last 2days, I still give him 1:40A but just feed when he cry (E time now seem to be 4hr) but sometimes just 3hr.
however, with 6CNs a day he becomes tired & yawn all the time after wake up. Cranky -of course
. Sigh... He nned to be cuddle for whole day
. &cant be alone over 3min...
Im really confusing now. Cause his signs look like hes starting WW. But he kicks both legs up frequently and not pooping as usual make me feel maybe hes in some pain???
And hes in the transition time as well so im not sure whats going on w my LO.
dont need to say... i nearly die w those changing...
What should I do?