I just thought I would let you know that since stopping the Infacol 2 days ago I have managed to get her latched on for all of her feeds without having to pump at all. It could be coincidence but she does seem to be better without the greasy little mouth it gave her.
She still sometimes spends 5 mins getting latched on properly as I'm still getting very full and I get the let down the moment her lips touch the nipple. I have to wipe the nipple dry with a muslin between attempts as she slips off if it is too wet but she has got on eventually every time. I've managed to squeeze in 8 feeds in each of the last 24hrs too. The HVs came today and weighed her and she is 7lb15 on day 8 whereas she was only 7lb12 at birth so she is obviously getting plenty despite some 4-5hr gaps between NFs.
Thanks for all your support as always my lovelies