Author Topic: My 9 Month Old Only Naps 2-3 Times a Day for 20-30 mins  (Read 912 times)

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Offline lady_jaeb

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My 9 Month Old Only Naps 2-3 Times a Day for 20-30 mins
« on: January 02, 2015, 19:00:08 pm »

I feel that my daughter should be napping better.  She will be 9 months old in 2 weeks and she naps between 2-3 times a day and usually not longer than 30 minutes.  Its crazy because you would think that she would be tired.  She is sleeping through the night for the most part.  She wakes in the night crying but puts herself back to sleep different nights, not every night she wakes.  Maybe the underlying issue is her eating, I'm not sure.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  Below is her regular daily routine.

6:40 am - 7:00 am She wakes and I change her and if she wakes early I wait until 7 am to feed her.  I feed her 4-5 oz of fruit with cereal and water on the side in a sippy cup
9:30 am She gets a 6-7 oz bottle of formula
10:00 am She goes for a nap usually 20-30 minutes
Depending on if she shows signs of being tired she might nap before getting her bottle.
12:00 noon She gets lunch which is 4-5 oz of veggies with water on the side in a sippy cup
1:30 pm She goes down for her first afternoon nap usually 20-30 minutes
3:00 pm She gets  6-7 oz bottle of formula
4-4:30 pm She goes down for another nap usually 20-30 minutes sometimes longer
5:00 pm She gets supper which is 4-5 oz of meat and veggies with water on the side in a sippy cup
6:30 pm Bath time
7:00 pm 8 oz bottle of formula then off to sleep

It seems that she can't seem to go more than 2-3 hours without getting food.  To me that doesn't seem right.  Maybe I should try getting her to eat her solids with a few ounces of formula on the side in a sippy cup.  Maybe the hunger pains mid morning and mid afternoon are messing with her napping longer.  Thanks for reading and helping!

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Re: My 9 Month Old Only Naps 2-3 Times a Day for 20-30 mins
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2015, 13:37:49 pm »
Welcome to BW!

Her feeding times are all right, that's just the way it is when they are on solids. The one thing I would change is give the bottle first and then in the middle of the A time the solids. Her main nutrition should still come from her formula so if you want to make sure she is getting all she needs, she needs to be hungry enough for the bottle. Solids can mess with that as if you feed first solids she might be too full for a full bottle.
You can even offer the solids closer to her nap then mid A times because then you know that her tummy is full when she goes for a nap.

The other thing is that her A times might be a bit off. Babies her age do between 3 and 4h A time, so it could be that the 3:20h A time in the morning for example is not enough for her anymore and because she is not tired enough she doesn't take a full nap. I would try and stretch this first A time by 10-15min, stick to it for 4 days and see if on the 4th day you are getting a better nap.
Hopefully it will and then you can move the second nap a bit later in the day and have her only on 2 naps. At this age it's already normal that one of the two naps is shorter than the other or the day doesn't fit. Many babies start the 2-1 transition at this age (don't worry, it's usually a very long one) and don't need two full naps anymore.

HTH :).
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