I have a huge problem I think with my DS and I would like to fix it as long as he is not too old. He is 3,5 months and we have nap issues. I swaddle him, but he started to fight before nap, he does not want to be swaddled anymore for naps, he does not calm down, he just moves and cries…And it is always 2h of A time before I manage to put him for sleep, I started ritual at 1,5h A time, but now I moved slowly to 1h45min, because otherwise it is impossible to make him fall asleep. Another problem is that I carry him and shhh pat, but if I put him down he starts crying and screaming, so usually when I put him down he does not need shh pat in crib anymore, because he has already fallen asleep…I know AP!! I wonder is this mybe too long A time, should I start at 1,5h again or what..I am totally confused with A times, he jaws once, but than keeps on smiling for another 30 min…I just can’t get him. Than ofcorse he WU after 30 min and I pick him up and he burps sometimes, but than I put him back to sleep with carrying and shh pat, I know it is a bad thing but… We tried w2s and holding him, but it didn’t help…
But I wonder why it is so easy to put him down for night sleep, I bath him, put him in pjamas, I breastfeed him, burp him, sing a song, swaddle, and put him down in his crib, give him paci and I turn off the light and go out. He falls a sleep by himself and he sleeps 7-8h. His A time before night sleep is 2-2,5h and he is not cranky or crying at all. He wu to eat between 1 and 3am, but than again around 4.30am he is talking, i bf him, but mybe i should just let him to calm down by himself or give him paci?
His EASY is like that, but I have to put him back to sleep after 30 min mark.
WU 7.00
E 7.30
S 9.00-10.15
I did a lot of AP-carrying him, swaddling, paci… Should I stop swaddling? I don’t want to remove paci, with our first DD she was able to put it back in by herself, but was older ofcourse.
I read that this 30 min mark WU is more developmental, but is it more important to put him bak to sleep so he doesn’t get OT and do the AC, or just try to shh pat in crib, which will be unsuccessful and he will sleep 4x 30 min in one day?
I would just like to put him in crib and help him to fall a sleep with shh pat or mybe I should wait for a month and than try PU PD? Or how to start from carrying to only shh pat? I read about aerage A time and 2h is a lot for 3,5 months, but I don’t know what else to do…
Thank you, all of you in this forum helped me a lot through all issues with my DD and now with my DS, I don’t know how would I manage without you! Really!