Author Topic: 2-1 transition??  (Read 1793 times)

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2-1 transition??
« on: January 07, 2015, 22:44:45 pm »
My twin boys are 14 months today.  We have been limiting their morning nap for a while now, in hopes of longer afternoon naps.  They usually nap about 35 minutes in the morning, and then 80-90 minutes in the afternoon. 
However, the last two days, J has been waking 30 minutes into his afternoon nap.  I usually end up having to bf him to get him back to sleep (we don't usually do this, but it's the fastest way to get him back to sleep without waking his brother).  Once he's back to sleep, he'll only sleep for another 30 minutes.  (We then end up with a crabby and OT boy for the evening.)  I'm wondering if he's ready to drop that morning cat nap altogether.  He's also been having a hard time sleeping at night - lots of fussing and needing to be settled throughout the night (he had only just started sleeping through the night before this happened).  However, he's also fighting a cold right now, which might be to blame for some of this.  In any case, I don't see any signs from his brother, L, that he's ready to transition to 1 nap. 
I guess my questions are, do I wait until J is over his cold before deciding to drop the catnap? And what do I do if J is ready for one nap, but L isn't?  I'm not sure it's realistic to have them on completely different nap schedules. 
Thank you!

Offline donvitol

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Re: 2-1 transition??
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2015, 23:12:07 pm »
I think by 14 months they should both be ready. You could wait for him to get over his cold, but if he is already taking poor naps it couldn't hurt to try?  With my first son I waited to transition till he was 12 months, but wished I had done it a little sooner, he was ready and it would have saved me all the battling I had done with him for that month

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Re: 2-1 transition??
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 14:26:39 pm »
I am going to move your thread to the toddler sleep board, just that it's in the right place.

I am not entirely sure he is ready to drop the AM nap. Some babies do drop it at 12m like pp mentioned, but some need as long as 18m to manage.
What I would try is to cap the first nap from what it is now by say 10min at first.
If capping the CN won't help then we can look at his EASY and see if perhaps pushing the AM nap a bit later can help.
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