Author Topic: 20 minute naps - 8.5 months  (Read 772 times)

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Offline Alex1

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20 minute naps - 8.5 months
« on: January 08, 2015, 21:31:04 pm »
My baby is now 8.5 months and has always been rocked to sleep.... Seemed like a great idea when he was first born but back breaking stuff now! He would never sleep in his cot during the day and would always sleep on me.... At night he would sleep in his cot but wake frequently.

My husband and I decided to try the PU/PD technique 1.5 weeks ago and this has worked well. He now sleeps in his cot for his naps (2 x a day) and at night. He still wakes in the night but less frequently.

Typically he goes down for his morning nap about 2 hours after he has woken up and then the 2nd nap about 3 or 4 hours later. He has been waking after 20 mins and it can take anything from 20/30 mins to resettle him to sleep and then he may only sleep for another 5 of 20 mins. Why do you think this could be? Is he too tired or not tired enough? I stay with him for 20 mins and keep my hand on him and try to soothe him with our key phrase but this doesn't calm him. He doesn't do this at night... Many thanks for any advice or tips you can give. He is clearly very tired when he wakes and desperately needs more sleep.

Offline donvitol

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Re: 20 minute naps - 8.5 months
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2015, 23:13:34 pm »
Could you try going in at the 15 minute mark and put your hand on him to help him through that transition?

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: 20 minute naps - 8.5 months
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 14:33:18 pm »
Hi and welcome to the boards!

The average A time at his age is between 3 and 4h, so for sure his first A time is too short for his age. The second one is a bit trickier to find out if he is UT or OT because he is doing pretty much the right A time.
What I would do IIWY to get the A times right is to start and increase the first A time by 10-15min every 3-4 days until you are at around 3h A time and shorten the second A time to 3h and stick with that for 4 days. If after 4 days you are still getting short naps in the afternoon I would start and use the same system to increase A time - 10-15min every 3-4 days till on the 4th day you get a better nap.

If all that won't help then it's probably a sign he is starting the 2-1 transition. Don't worry, it's going to be a while before he drop the nap entirely, but many babies start to cap one of their naps or we need to do it for them.

HTH :)
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