Author Topic: feeling weak - always feed before nap.  (Read 694 times)

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Offline marilyn73

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feeling weak - always feed before nap.
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:55:59 am »
My 3 week old daughter has been doing fairly well - she's quite content, sleeps a lot, and is easy to read.  My concern is that I've been trying to implement EASY (which worked great with my first 2 daughters) - but I'm trapped in a pattern of EAESY.  She ALWAYS demands a little top-up before napping - which I've been doing - basically BF'ing on demand.  DH will persist and pace around the house for 20-30 min to settle her if he knows she's already had a good feed.  I rarely do - often the feed after waking isn't huge, and I'm worried she needs more…

She's settled into a routine that looks something like this:

awake 8:00am
8:00am feed
9:45am - feed
nap 10-12pm
12:00pm feed
1:15pm feed
nap 1:30-3:30 pm
3:30 feed

4:00-7:00pm - fairly drowsy - short bouts of awake time, probably 2 more feedings.  always knocked right out after milk.

7:00 pm - to bed for the night - up only for feedings
9:00 pm - feed
11:00 pm - feed
2:30 am - feed
5:30 am feed

We didn't really worry about the 3 hr EASY with the first 2…..but I don't recall feeding before napping - although it's all a little foggy!

Is it just early days, or am I setting us up with habits that will be hard to break?

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: feeling weak - always feed before nap.
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 04:11:36 am »
I think you are doing great! Don't worry about it! 3 weeks is so very, very tiny. Some Mamas start EASY earlier than others. DD and I started EASY and shh/pat in a more dedicated way around 4 months. Anything you do now can be sorted gently later on. Enjoy those newborn cuddles! :)



Offline marilyn73

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Re: feeling weak - always feed before nap.
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2015, 00:48:59 am »
Thanks.  Seems to be less interested in feeding before nap - and taking longer feeds.