Author Topic: 3-2 Nap Transition and feed times  (Read 967 times)

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Offline SofisMom

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3-2 Nap Transition and feed times
« on: January 10, 2015, 00:19:52 am »
Hi all!

I'm currently in the process of transitioning my 6.5 month old daughter from 3 naps to 2 naps (meaning I'm eliminating the catnap). She usually has been a pretty sleepy baby (needing longer naps vs short naps) but recently has started taking a while to fall asleep for the catnap and then taking forever to go to sleep at night (the past few days she hasn't fallen asleep until 9:30pm-10pm when her usual wake up time is 7am-8am).

Anyway, today was our first day transitioning, trying to give her 3 hours of activity time. Before today, she has been on the 4 hour EASY with feeds about 4 hours apart (usually 8am, 12pm, 4pm, and then 7pm or 7:30pm). She is exclusively on breastmilk (just started some fruits a week or two ago but it's negligible at this point). Now with this new nap schedule, how do I adjust her milk feeds since A time is 3 hours and then she naps for 2 hours? This is how her day went today:

Wake up: 7am
EAT: 7:30am
SLEEP: 10am - 12pm
EAT: 12:30pm (5 hours since her last feed since she had 3 hours Activity time and then 2 hours Sleep time).
SLEEP: 3pm-5:15pm
EAT: 5:30pm (5 hours since her last feed since she had 3 hours Activity time and then 2 hours Sleep time).
-No catnap-
EAT: 7:15pm (about to do her 4th/last feed for the evening before bedtime)

So as you can see, the first 3 feeds of the day were 5 hours apart because of her 3 hours activity and 2 hours nap time. Last feed of the day (which I'm about to do) will be less than 2 hours after the previous one. Is it a problem to have 5 hours between feeds or is that ok at this age? Since she's been doing 4 hour feeds, just want to make sure what I'm doing is ok and manageable for her age (to go 5 hours between feeds). I'm not really sure how to do the feeds any sooner since she needs her 2 hour nap time. Please let me know what you guys think.


Mom to two daughters, born June 2014 and March 2016. BW worked great on my first, can't wait to see results with my 2nd!

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Re: 3-2 Nap Transition and feed times
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2015, 18:10:31 pm »
What is SHE "saying"? Is she complaining going 5h between feeds?
She is still taking the same amount of feeds a day, I can't quite see what the problem is...
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Re: 3-2 Nap Transition and feed times
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2015, 18:39:37 pm »
Observe her at night Honey. If she starts to need more milk during night it may mean that she took less during day because of long naps.
Usually this is not a problem at this age and kiddos go for this routine as:
- they have small solid breakfast/lunch so that make them ready for 5h break between milk feeds
- there is a growth spurt around 6-7mo so kiddos don't mind more frequent feed before BT.

Feeding plan for 2h naps and 3hA may look as such (move back or forward if needed):
7am milk
8am breakfast
Nap 10-12
12 milk
1pm lunch
Nap 3-5pm
5pm milk
7/7:30 pm milk

Would that help?

Offline SofisMom

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Re: 3-2 Nap Transition and feed times
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2015, 17:58:51 pm »
Hi ladies - thank you so much! This helped a lot. Baby isn't crying when going 5 hours between feed times so I guess she's fine. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something terribly wrong or anything (first time mom, as you can tell :P). Thanks again!
Mom to two daughters, born June 2014 and March 2016. BW worked great on my first, can't wait to see results with my 2nd!