Hi and congratulations on DS2
First thoughts....10 weeks is still very tiny. I think we BW mums tend to have pretty high expectations from little newborns, but in fact neither of mine were taking good consistent naps in the Moses basket/crib so young. I think we started to have *some* success from around 10-12 weeks but certainly no textbook EASY routines! What I'm trying to say is I certainly don't think you've caused any issues by having DS nap on the move. It's essential with older LOs to get out and about (tbh it's essential for your own sanity even with one) so having a LO that can sleep in more than one place is a bonus.
Secondly, short naps are normal and common in the early months. They are not a sign you are doing anything 'wrong' per se, although I do notice your A times are a little above what might be expected for an average at ten weeks. I would have thought closer to 1h15 (asleep by then) would be where you might want to be aiming - it's possible you are trying for sleeps a touch late and struggling with OT.
Thirdly, do you have/use a sling? Loved it for my DS as it meant I had my hands free for DD.
Fourthly....I think third children do have to 'go with the flow' a little more, it depends on age gaps but I think having a perfect routine so early is probably fairly impossible....if you can tell yourself that tiredness is hard work but won't harm him, and try to let go the sleep worry as much as you can that will probably be good for the whole family. Easier said than done, I know
Lastly...breastfeeding. Firstly, huge well done for getting so far, you should be very proud of yourself for giving DS2 a great start
. I am totally in favour of every mum and family choosing what is best for them in terms of feeding, so if bottles are the way you want to go, then go for it
. However, just sharing my experience a little here, not trying to convert
but I have EBF my two, DD to a year and DS still going at 7.5m, yes the early weeks are hard because feeds take a long time and are so often. However once you get onto a more regular pattern of only 4-5 feeds in the day +/- night feeds and when LO becomes much more efficient (feeds done in less than 5-10 mins now) then it really can be very easy and quick, much more so than having to make up formula, plan in advance when heading out etc. Just wanted to offer that as an option for you and encourage you to keep going if it's something you'd like to do, it really can work even with more than one LO. Bottles are not always the 'easy option' if you see what I mean. As I said, whatever choice you make will be right for you and your family though
Good luck and I hope that helps x