Author Topic: 1 year old - has hardly ever slept thru  (Read 1841 times)

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Offline marie11

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1 year old - has hardly ever slept thru
« on: January 18, 2015, 22:25:22 pm »
Hi there
I am hoping to try and banish the one night waking we are still getting as I will be working again in about 3 or 4 weeks time and it would be great to get full nights sleeps if poss!!
Our 1 year old has always woke in the night - probably about 10 nights in total dotted here and there has she slept through.  We have had 3 and then 2 night wakes but down to 1.  I offer her a bottle as within 10 mins she has it gulped and is back down and its easier:) I am wondering whether to just keep ticking over like this and it will phase out or put in the hard yards?!  Do most of you who have had the night wakings just offer water to stop it?

She isn't a big eater at all.  She is on two naps still, one morning capped to 45min/1hr max.  Second nap is about 1.5 to 2 hours and is done by 4.30pm latest.  In bed 7.30 to 8pm till 7am.  Night waking can occur anytime from 1.30am to 4.30am.

Thanks in advance,

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: 1 year old - has hardly ever slept thru
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 15:52:10 pm »
Hi there! Sorry you got missed! :( How does she respond when you attempt to resettle without bottle? I have found that eliminating night feeds had to be worked at a bit and if left, they would just keep asking! If I were you, I would go for the good night's sleep and do the bottle and deal with it when LO is older. Both of mine still had a NF at this age. Or, if you would like to eliminate it we will absolutely help you with that! Is LO an independent sleeper? How have you dealt with other night wakings when you have not fed her?



Offline marie11

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Re: 1 year old - has hardly ever slept thru
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2015, 18:15:07 pm »
She screamed when I tried giving water! I was going to leave but then decided when I was still awake two hours after her feed last night I have to try before starting work. I posted asking if anyone had been successful and how.  How old did your little one stop? Was it a natural progression or did you have to stop it?

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Re: 1 year old - has hardly ever slept thru
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 18:40:22 pm »
Maybe her eating during the day will increase if you drop the MOTN feed?
I did what pp have suggested. For the sake of sleep I gave bottle but I found she was waking for other reasons not hunger.
I did a df and a MOTN feed. And what I did was dropping oz. The MOTN was easy.

Here is where I found the info.
How we stopped the night feeds with a 9 month old

I had a thread about it How to drop bottles you can read it. It was not as hard as I thought.

I wasnt sure about dropping the df but when I did she had a few nights when she sttn. Before and after it was like you said dotted here and there. A lot of things affect her sleep, but dropping the bottles helped for sure.


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Re: 1 year old - has hardly ever slept thru
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2015, 20:06:02 pm »
Hi Marie,
if she's gulping the milk down and then going straight back to sleep, it does sound like hunger to me.  I'd read Dache's thread and work on upping calories in the day and dropping them at night.  It does take consistent work to make the switch, so I'd read into it first, make a plan, and then do it. 

*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.