By independent sleeper I guess I meant does he settle himself to sleep at nap and bedtime?
Are you saying you replug his dummy for him

He seems a little old for that...I'm assuming he can put it in himself normally? Sorry if I misunderstood

I would definitely stop bringing him to bed with you. I know it's hard at that time in the morning (my DS isn't a great night sleeper either) but at 19 months that will very easily become waking to play with Mummy, even if routine is otherwise ok. He's on the young side but you may be getting towards the age where introducing a gro clock or similar could be possible. Had you considered that?
With a short night I would guess overtiredness may be perpetuating your early starts. Would you consider trying an early bed time for a few days, 6/6.30pm to make a max 13h day?