Hey Ginger, we are really good thanks. Have been busy with travelling to visit family and getting ready for xmas. We have hit a relative calm period. My LO is 19 months next week and cut her last molar on Saturday

the canines we horrific and combined with the SR (which I think started early) we had a pretty horrible 10 weeks.
Nap is pretty consistent at 12 for 2 hours give or take 15 mins and bedtime has settled at 6:30-7, dd is sleeping better at the child minders too so I'm not having to do an ebt on those nights. We get the occasional nw and think its dreaming as she is doing a bit of sleep talking, but thankfully a quick cuddle and she snuggles back down.
The ew unfortunately are the only thing I can moan about. This morning was 5:45 but we left her and she was ok playing. Anything earlier than that and we try and resettle as 6am is as early as hubby and I can face. Sometimes its a quick resettle and she will sleep till 6:30 other times she will blip every 20 mins.
Am feeling more human and have started taking a bit of me time in the evening and popping out to the movies and catch-ups with girlfriends. Hubby has been fab and is really supportive of me getting out of the house

Still bf just before bed and she still feeds to sleep but I have put a lid on that box for now as its not a problem and I think it was me making it a problem. When she is ready to wean or I feel its time I'll tackle it then.
How is everything going with you?