Author Topic: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3  (Read 72693 times)

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2015, 08:13:14 am »
Hi ladies

Sorry I haven't been back.  It's been a bit confusing actually trying to work out what is developmental and what is just due to teething (canines)!  We're getting EWs so she's a bit of an OT grumpy mess :(

How are you guys doing?
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2015, 18:41:31 pm »
 ::) :-[ :'( >:( ???  >:( >:( >:( I was rocking her for an hour on the balcony last night, at 2am.
She was doing ok but now it`s hot-45C. We have "tropical nights" as they say on the news, meaning no one is sleeping unless they have the AC on 24h a day.

Offline Jay2512

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2015, 18:18:28 pm »
That's is tough! Not much improvement here.

Trying a few new things..
1) considering she always sleeps at nursery with all the other children, I've moved the cot into her sisters room!
2) put up a big picture of mummy and daddy on the wall so that each time she asks for us she can see we are always there!😉

Let's see what happens hey!

Offline cath~

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2015, 09:46:38 am »
Trying a few new things..
1) considering she always sleeps at nursery with all the other children, I've moved the cot into her sisters room!
2) put up a big picture of mummy and daddy on the wall so that each time she asks for us she can see we are always there!😉

did these help at all?

yikes!  that's really hot.

Not much change here either but I think most of her troubles are due to teething ATM.
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

Offline Jay2512

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2015, 19:22:43 pm »
So from my last post, I tried co sleeping little one with her elder sister for a week and it didn't make a difference. Still woke up 2-3 times! I've put them back into their own rooms as she was disturbing the elder one so much so that the older one was needing day naps again.

I think the picture of mummy and daddy has helped a little. Although still waking up at night she seems to be settling in the room without me better.

Am beginning to think that we might just need to ride this one out! :(

Offline ginger428

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2015, 18:15:00 pm »
We hit this around 17.5 mo... now DS is 18 mo. Anyone here for support/tips/etc...? Did this last less than 2 months for anyone?

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2015, 08:48:07 am »
Hi ginger

I think with dd2 it was more like 4-6 wks of developmental stuff but then we had canine teething continuing so the dodgy sleep period lasted a bit longer. But it was different when it was "just" teething.

I'd say just hang in there and try to get through it as best you can giving lo extra but as little as possible reassurance when needeD.
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2015, 06:37:59 am »
Hey Ginger how are you getting on?  What is your lo up to with the regression?

Offline ginger428

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2015, 02:04:56 am »
(From reading your thread) Good to hear there are small improvements, but sorry that the EW are continuing.  How much of a drop has DD made in overall sleep? I hope you're catching up on rest somehow.  I don't take anything to sleep, but just trying to train my body to sleep at the same time each night.

A couple days ago, DS started to wake up from his naps crying/screaming at the 1.10 mark and won't resettle.  The 4 days prior to this he was taking almost 2 hr naps which is very rare for him. His crying/screaming NWs have diminished... I can hear him whimper, but he'll self settle. It's just such an odd phase... I can't make sense of it. Sometimes meds = No NW, sometimes not. I also think we have tummy/constipation issues mixed in there.

DS is getting 11.5-12.5 hrs/24hr sleep presently, which doesn't seem like enough but it's what he's doing. 10-10.5 nights and 1hr 10-15min naps were a norm for a long time with an occasional 11 hr here and there.  This last week was unusual with a few days of 1.45m-2hr naps but nights were still 10hr (or less on off days!).  It may have been a random growth spurt. DS has always been LSN so the 12hr sleep isn't completely unusual.

FWIW, when I couldn't handle the 5:00ish WU anymore, I pushed BT hard. It took a couple weeks, but we finally got to 7:45/8:00, which made his WUs around 6:00-6:30.  We went to a few events that kept him up way past BT and that pushed his WU... and we shifted his schedule from there.  I'm now just waiting to see if DS will shorten his naps on his own and hoping (with all my heart!) that his nights will extend to 11-12 hrs.

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2015, 06:58:32 am »
Yip gonna keep trying to push the bt but tbh so much else going on that need to work on me for a bit.

Offline ginger428

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2015, 20:26:02 pm »
Yes, imperative that you do work on you.

We're still getting crying upon waking at naps, and also NWs randomly here and there, and sometimes a long one.  ??? Who knows what's going on. Can't wait for 20-22 months when things are *supposed* to get better.

Hang in there.

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2015, 18:08:16 pm »
We had another 1.5 NW last night, but not a huge sleep-in. Short night. On top of a 1.05 nap, from which he woke screaming.  :(
Nap was also a struggle today.

*sigh* So tired.  Anyone with multiple children, how different are your children? I have a friend whose daughter literally sleeps 12 hours a night, consistent naps, consistent WU and BT. And apparently she doesn't go wacko with OT and UT doesn't bother her either.  I don't think she's ever gone through a regression. I'm assuming she's textbook and angel.

Just needing a kind reminder that our children are beautifully different.

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2015, 23:02:27 pm »
Hey Ginger, they most def are different and beautiful!!  I only have my DD and she is def not textbook angel (at the moment).  I too have friends like this but I secretly tell myself they are telling fibs!!

Offline ginger428

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2015, 19:00:52 pm »
I thought we were out of the woods from this phase until yesterday when M woke 40 min into nap screaming and couldn't resettle, a few nights a week crying 3 hrs after BT, and every morning this past week waking around 5:00am crying.  And the other night he had 9.5 hr night. This morning he did have a leak at 5, so changed him, but he wouldn't go back to sleep until almost 7. Slept 40 min in my arms in my bed. Ack. (I was ill yesterday and last night, so I didn't have the energy to put him back in his crib and pat him to sleep).

The canines haven't appeared at all, even though his gums *seem* to be red.

Before this, he did a solid week of 8-6/6:30, 12:30-2:30ish naps (although he still had NWs that required help). Still not thrilled with the 10 hr nights, but it's probably because his naps have not been capped. Any thoughts to the NWs?? Is BT too late?

DS turned 19mo a few days ago, which makes this phase almost 2 months and counting.

How are you doing firstmum?
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 02:07:03 am by ginger413 »

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2015, 23:48:02 pm »
Hey Ginger, we are really good thanks.  Have been busy with travelling to visit family and getting ready for xmas.  We have hit a relative calm period.  My LO is 19 months next week and cut her last molar on Saturday  :P the canines we horrific and combined with the SR (which I think started early) we had a pretty horrible 10 weeks.

Nap is pretty consistent at 12 for 2 hours give or take 15 mins and bedtime has settled at 6:30-7, dd is sleeping better at the child minders too so I'm not having to do an ebt on those nights.  We get the occasional nw and think its dreaming as she is doing a bit of sleep talking, but thankfully a quick cuddle and she snuggles back down.

The ew unfortunately are the only thing I can moan about.  This morning was 5:45 but we left her and she was ok playing.  Anything earlier than that and we try and resettle as 6am is as early as hubby and I can face.  Sometimes its a quick resettle and she will sleep till 6:30 other times she will blip every 20 mins.

Am feeling more human and have started taking a bit of me time in the evening and popping out to the movies and catch-ups with girlfriends.  Hubby has been fab and is really supportive of me getting out of the house  :P Still bf just before bed and she still feeds to sleep but I have put a lid on that box for now as its not a problem and I think it was me making it a problem.  When she is ready to wean or I feel its time I'll tackle it then.

How is everything going with you?