Author Topic: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night  (Read 1655 times)

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Offline Asha G

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12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« on: January 29, 2015, 11:00:02 am »
Hi all hoping someone can help me! My lo is 12 weeks and from about 9 weeks has been sleeping from 10pmish to 7/8am without waking up at all however in the last few days she has started waking up at 4amish for a feed which is fine but she also now starts stirring around 2amish on and off until she wants feeding. I think she is asleep but she moves her head side to side a lot and legs out little noises... I also swaddle but she has started getting her arms out so they flail around while she sleeping .. I can't sleep through her noises and movement and after almost a week I feel exhausted!!  Any ideas what is causing her to be so restless? Any help/advice is much appreciated!

Offline Asha G

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2015, 12:45:03 pm »
Also I forgot to add that she had started sucking her fingers in the last couple weeks and if she gets her arms free from the swaddle she often sucks them in her sleep! Which is also quite loud!

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2015, 13:38:33 pm »
For the first month & a half, my DD made so many noises while sleeping - she sounded like an old man in a terrible amount of pain -- we would keep picking her up. checking on her thinking gas but she was always asleep. Does she seem to be in any discomfort? Has she been burped well after her feed? Honestly, as long as your LO is asleep, I would consider it a win. And so wonderful about her being able to soothe herself with her fingers. You are going to be SO happy about that in a while :p Is it that this is bothering you because you share a bed with her? Have you considered earplugs? That might help drown out the sounds and let you get some shut eye.

Offline Asha G

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2015, 16:47:56 pm »
Hi there thanks for replying! She usually burps quite well so I don't think it's wind ...or that she in any pain. She was a also awake a couple times when I looked over n seemed like she was playing. She sleeps nxt to me in her cot so can hear everything plus I'm a light sleeper too so that doesn't help! So will def hav to consider earplugs!!
I guess I'm just worried that all of a sudden she doesn't seem to be sleeping alL that well n I was t sure why!
Even now I put her Down for a nap n she was already awake after 20 mins n playing.. Was going to try putting her back down but she looks wide awake!! Any ideas what I shod do?  Shud I post this question on the naps board instead?

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2015, 17:13:24 pm »
Naps and night sleep both affect each other but they're two different ball games. A 20 minute nap for us usually means over tiredness or over stimulation. On the naps board, you can read through the FAQs. There are a lot of helpful tips on handling naps.

 In the night though, as long as she is not crying out for you, I would leave her to it. Babies do sometimes wake in the night - just like we do. You might wake up to use the loo or get a drink of water. They also wake between sleep cycles and generally go back to sleep after rolling around a bit.

You could post your EASY routine here if necessary, and we could take a look. WWYT?

Offline Asha G

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 15:32:31 pm »
So sorry for not replying sooner!!! I have been reading through the faqs so thank you. Still working on her naps as they are still very random timing wise.
I have tried to put my easy routine below although I find that the timings are always different everyday so I've put the last 3 days as keen to get your thoughts but am trying to follow the 4 hour easy but sometimes it can be 3.5 or even 3 at times.

Tues 930pm bottle, down at 10pm.
Weds E 4am , S 430am but up,again 6ish, stirring until 830.
 E 845am.
S 1045 -130pm.
 E 140pm -240pm.
S 355pm to 440pm. Nappy change.
 E 510pm-6pm.
S 7pm -740pm.
E 8pm (bottle).
S 9pm
Thurs -fussing since 2am.. Waking up , playing, sucking fingers.
E 530Am.
S 610am .
 E 945am to 1030am. Sainsburys .
S 1130 but woke up 1150-took almost 30 mins to put down again. S 1230-115pm, fell asleep again on n off til 145pm.
E 215pm-250pm.
S 355pm-420. Wide awake so didn't try putting back to sleep.
E 5ish-545pm.
S 707pm, woke up 730, back to sleep 8ish.
E (formula) 1015pm.
S 1040pm
Friday E 820am-855am.
S 11am-1145.
E 1220pm-1pm. Baby play 130-230pm.
 S 230pm but woke up after 20/30 mins n wudnt go back down.
E 350pm-430pm. S 550pm-615pm woke up, seemed wide awake in cot. Starting crying 630.. Tried to calm her n put back to sleep but just got more n more agitated.. Started Feed 645pm as she only cries that much if hungry -730pm.
S 830pm.
 E (formula) 1015pm.
S 1030.
Sat E 730-820.
 S 950-12pm (in car).
E 1230-110pm
S 215pm.
E 430pm-510pm.
S 620pm-750pmish.
E 826pm . Bath. Formula feed 940pm.
S 1010pm.
E 830pm-910am.
S 1010am. Up at 11.15.
E 1215pm-1pm.
S 230pm.
E 435pm-510pm.
S 610pm-630pm. E 10pm (formula). S 1020pm.
Monday E 850am-930am. S 1030-1130. Then again 12-1230pm. E 1245pm-145pm.

Also I don't know what wwyt means?

Again really appreciate any advice with regards to setting a good routine and what you think go the above timings etc!!!

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2015, 16:07:18 pm »
Sorry, WWYT - what do you think.

I'm actually having a hard time reading through your routine. Could you please split it day wise starting from morning wake up. So..
E- 7
A -
You can leave out the Y:)

Offline Asha G

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2015, 12:40:51 pm »
Sorry!! I hope this is clearer!!

E 4am -430am.
S 430-830am
E 845am
A 930am-1030
S 1045 to 130pm.
E 140pm -240pm.
A 240-350pm
S 355pm to 440pm
. E 510pm-6pm.
A 6pm-7pm
S 7pm -740pm.
E 8pm (formula).
S 9pm

E 530Am.
 S 610am .
 E 945am to 1030am.
A 1030-1130
 . S 1130 but woke up 1150-took almost 30 mins to put down again. S 1230-115pm, fussing until 145pm.
E 215pm-250pm.
A 250-355pm
S 355pm-420pm. Wide awake so didn't try putting back to sleep.
E 5ish-545pm.
A 545-7pm
S 707pm, woke up 730, back to sleep 8ish.
E (formula) 1015pm.
S 1040pm

E 820am-855am.
A 9-11am
S 11am-1145.
E 1220pm-1pm.
A(Baby play )130-230pm.
S 230pm but woke up after 20/30 mins n wudnt go back down.
E 350pm-430pm.
A 430-550pm
S 550pm-615pm woke up, seemed wide awake in cot. Starting crying 630.
E 645pm -730pm.
A 730-830pm
S 830pm.
E (formula) 1015pm.
S 1030.

E 730-820am
A 820-950am
S 950-12pm (in car).
E 1230-110pm
A 110-215pm
S 215pm.
 E 430pm-510pm.
A 510-620pm
S 620pm-750pmish.
 E 826pm .
A 9pmish (Bath)
E (Formula) 940pm.
 S 1010pm.

 E 830am-930am
A 930-910am
S 1010am-11.15.
E 1215pm-1pm.
A 1pm-230pm
S 230pm- 345pm (in car)
 E 435pm-510pm.
A 510-610pm
S 610pm-630pm. Wudnt sleep
E 10pm (formula).
S 1020pm.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2015, 13:32:51 pm »
Okay. A few things jumped out at me. First and foremost, I think it would make a huge difference if you could bring bedtime earlier - say, 7 -7.30? So basically, where you are doing a catnap, you simply put her to bed for the night then. Also, while getting into a routine, it is good to have a fixed wake up time too. So no matter what, you must wake her up at that time. This will help your routine to fall into place.

I would also keep naps to 2 hours max, if I were you. Otherwise you will end up getting a short next nap as she will not be tired enough but that will eventually lead to her being over tired by the end of the day. I would also stick to one A time - it seems to vary in your routine. Of course after a short nap, you can reduce it by 10-15 minutes.

Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!!
Teaching Sleep to Babies of 3-5 months (and the 45 min nap)
Typical Amounts of Day and Night Sleep

I don't know if you have already seen this but here is a link to some age wise sample routines, which might be of some help to you in planning your day
Sample EASY Routines from 0 - 13mths+

Offline Asha G

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2015, 14:17:40 pm »
Thank you for replying so quickly!!
I wasn't sure if it was ok to wake her in the morning and also from naps during the day in case that made her more tired? How would I know if she has had enough sleep?

Usually her naps are shorter than 2 hours but occasionally she does sleep longer. When she does have shorter naps should I try putting her back down? As sometimes she just seems wide awake!

With A time sometimes she starts to show signs of tiredness (rubbing eyes, yawning etc) within an hour of activity so I will start to out her down and other times she lasts longer so how do I keep the A time the same?

Thank you for sending the links too!
Also based on the timings I have at the moment do you think I should be doing a 3 hour easy or a 4 hour?

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2015, 15:48:51 pm »
When she starts to show sleepy cues --
a) If it is after a bad/short nap and she has been awake long enough, then you can put her down, otherwise she might get even more OT
b) But otherwise, you can then switch to some low key, calm activity, perhaps? You see, she is used to going to sleep after a certain amount of time and she will seem sleepy then, just not tired enough to give you a proper nap.

At 3 months, you would still be on a 3hour EASY with 1.5 A time

Offline Asha G

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2015, 10:41:03 am »
Thank you! I just have a couple more questions :
For her age the nap time is supposed to be 1.5 hours according to the link and then the A time should be 1.5 hours. Amara can take around 40 mins to feed, occasionally up to an hour.. So how do I keep to 3 hours? Or is the 3 hour count from when she finishes feeding?
I have started to watch for sleepy cues as you have recommended and then switch to low key activity but the last couple naps she has started showing tired signs about 50 mins to an hour after feeding and has actually fallen asleep within 10 ,mins of her A time was more around 1 hour/1 hour 10 mins. Should I just keep trying to extend her A time until she gets used to 1.5 hours?
Thank you!

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2015, 11:42:58 am »
A time is eyes open to eyes closed. Nursing time included.
What are A times and how do they fit into the EASY routine?

Offline Asha G

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Re: 12 week old stirring and fussing throughout the night
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2015, 15:52:01 pm »
Ok thank you!