
Your English is great, don't worry! I admire anyone who can use more than one language

Does SOLID mean any other food except milk?
Ex: Let say im going to let LO taste fruits before 6monrhs. Does that mean I start SOLID for him already?
The guides from WHO (world health organisation) advise waiting until LO is 6 months but many people do begin earlier than this at around 4 months.
You know the guidance for readiness is ability to sit up unsupported. Mine could sit unsupported but moved quite a lot, his movements were quite jerky and erratic too as he tried to control his body and limbs, he also became quite tired trying to sit for long periods for example when eating. I used a folded towel behind him in the high chair to help him. It IS very important that LO is upright though, not leaning backwards or reclining, or there is an increase choke risk.
I intend to give him rice cereal into routine after 6 month HOWEVER I would let him taste fruits before that.
Many people don't bother with rice cereal now. It has very little to nothing in the way of nutritional value so you may prefer to continue to offer fruits and perhaps introduce vegetables, then in a month or so introduce meat, fish and other foods. There is also no need to puree food if you enjoy offering finger foods and tastes of your meals instead. I would watch out for round foods such as the cherry you mention, also baby tomatoes, grapes as they are all a higher choke risk. Think of finger foods as being the size of an adult finger, with enough length for LO to grasp in a fist whilst leaving a bit free for them to chew on.
I would also hold off on grains (eg wheat) for another month if you can.
It sounds like he was very interested in trying new tastes at 4 months. Previous generations began solids much much earlier than the guide lines suggest now and I expect many people were fine with it, obviously there are reasons for the guides to be 6 months but I wouldn't worry now you have started. It sounds like you are following your baby's cues

Mine screamed his head off every time he saw my food from 4.5 months to 5.5 months. I couldn't eat anything at all in front of him. Eventually I gave in and started him on solids at 5.5 months. I think if I did it all again I would have been more inclined to follow his lead a little earlier.
hope this helps