Oh, big hugs! My DD was a Touchy/Spirited, more importantly a really Touchy sleeper and it can be just exhausting/mystifying, frustrating! I sometimes felt as if I changed her diaper at the wrong time (maybe making her a dab OT?), I paid for it the next 48 hours with lousy sleep! But, she settled out. It will be OK.
I am making the assumption that your LO is on some sort of medication for reflux and has a wedge for the crib to be upright and all that good stuff. Honestly, WRT routine, the A times you are working with sound reasonable. I would just try to be within the realm of acceptable A time and see what you get. With DD tid didn't matter, there was screaming at EVERY nap and some days we had 4 26 minute naps. It really did my head in.
I guess I am saying, do the best you can and give yourself permission to use whatever form of AP that works for LO ( carrier, swing etc..) and helps everyone else hang on to some sanity. It was a reach for me as I was SURE I had this Lo figured out as she was LO2. That just made me feel worse as she was SO different. Some things helped her sleep, other than her just growing up a bit, really, the first year was just a wash. LOUD white noise helped, BLACK room, VERY tight swaddle. I hope this helps some, I know it isn't easy. Hang in there, keep us posted!