Author Topic: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!  (Read 3886 times)

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2015, 20:40:31 pm »
Don't be fooled that no news is Good news's not.

Trying an earlier nap. Sometimes they go down other times they don't still stupid o'clock waking and now h is poorly,AGAIN. Give me strength. Surely at some point soon they'll start to sleep.

What's E's routine atm?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #31 on: March 17, 2015, 02:42:36 am »
Ahh no!  I was hoping that was the case!

We are doing this:

7 am wake
1:15 nap for 45 min (at daycare nap is 12:45 I think)
8 pm bedtime!

She is sick again too (throat infection) and I think had a night terror on saturday so had a couple longer naps (lol like an hour) on the weekend.

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2015, 22:01:53 pm »
We're in such a mess with h. He'd been having milk in the night when poorly as he was barely eating and wasn't having many wet nappies. We stopped the milk on Tuesday night as he woke at 8.45pm and I refused to give him any (he's well again now btw) and he had a temper tantrum for 3hrs!!! We've stuck with no milk but he's still fighting us for milk and being so loud dh is having to take him downstairs in the dark to stop him waking j. At a loss as I'm worried going downstairs isn't helping. Don't get me wrong there's no tv or interaction just dh giving him a cuddle.

I don't know whether to chop the nap or whether he's ot now. Fed up and exhausted. I struggle to deal with him when he throws a wobbly as he's getting big and strong.

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2015, 05:15:22 am »
Yikes he has got staying power! I would think ot at this point tbh more than ut...or neither and just an upset spirited toddler who wants his darn milk :P Did the canines come through yet? E's are for sure coming now, we had a 2.5 hr nw last night so I feel your pain. They are 18 months now and with that comes all sorts of goodies like sleep regressions and half birthday stuff like growth spurts and developmental leaps so I would be hesitant to really do much more tweaking. I think focusing on being consistent with how nw are dealt with (even if it does involve going downstairs - any chance of popping up a playpen so he isn't coming to rely on daddy snuggles?) would be key now.

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2015, 07:41:10 am »
What a mess :(

H been awake since 4.30am and woke j around 5.30am who of course then didn't want to go back to sleep. Both of them have their bottom canines now and no sign of top ones. Just can't take much more.

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2015, 20:30:49 pm »
Have put j in with o tonight. J was unhappy about being away from h but need to get h sleeping better in his cot. Wish me luck it may be a long night! We do have another room but it's full of 'stuff' atm so best solution j sharing with o.

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2015, 06:24:59 am »
Hope it went well Laura, I was going to ask if there was room to separate them at all even if just temporarily!

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2015, 20:35:26 pm »
Well he woke at 1am and cried quite hard for about an hr however after a bit of a cuddle he went back in his cot by his choice awake he then settled himself although it took about 40mins.

Hoping tonight we'll actually see some bigger improvement as this is night 6.

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #38 on: April 08, 2015, 13:12:34 pm »
How has it been going Laura? I hope better than here! Easter holidays with lots of activity and late nights plus teeth ha e taken their toll.

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #39 on: April 08, 2015, 15:28:08 pm »
Night 7 he sttn prob from shear exhaustion. Last night (night 8) he woke at 10pm and was up on and off till 11ish but did settle himself after some pupd then woke again at 4am and was rather more cross. Eventually went back to sleep and settled himself in cot. Tbh last nights crying was different. I need to look in his mouth to see if top canines are coming through. He's also waking up naturally from his nap at about 1hr 15 so not sure what that means atm as normally they have to be woken...i know who-d have thought it eh?

Poor you. We've tried not to stray too much from routine cos it's just not worth two grumpy babies!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #40 on: April 09, 2015, 03:53:37 am »
 E has to be woken from her naps too...she would happily have a 2.5 hr nap and a 9.5/10 hr night...but that gives me either no evening time or early mornings (I am not a morning person!).

Great that he is settling himself though, half the battle right there...did you see signs of teeth?

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #41 on: April 09, 2015, 05:27:49 am »
Well he slept through again although it was only a 10.5hr night and it took him 45mins to actually get to sleep... I don't know whether
He needs a longer nap or is ut given he woke from his own nap yesterday. I forgot to check for teeth!

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #42 on: April 09, 2015, 12:47:12 pm »
I think I would be tempted to let him sleep for his nap as he wants - if it is teeth (or growth spurt?) then holding steady with the current routine is probably best. I swear E has a gs every month lately, but I know it is usually at the half birthday mark. MIL had her yesterday and she had a late 1 hr nap and did a 10.5 hr night too. When he was falling alseep was he happy and chatty or upset? Though tbh E gets upset when ut at bedtime as she is put out when she has to go to bed and the big girls dont!

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #43 on: April 09, 2015, 19:30:06 pm »
Not upset just rolling around and chatting to j!
Today we woke them after about 1hr 20mins -I've only just read your message! We knackered them out this afternoon but it still tookI a while to go off. Fx we get another good night! Def think they're both having a gs

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #44 on: April 10, 2015, 05:08:48 am »
RIDICULOUS so h slept through but for 10hrs. This is after a full on day with lots of running around in the fresh air. Feeling really quite fed up with it all. We're out all day today so they'll have to nap when they can. I just don't understand it.