Hello everyone. I just discovered the EASY system and Tracy's books, and I've been trying to get my 10 week old on the system to reduce fussiness. The first day we tried it, she slept for 7.5 hrs at a stretch at night! So now DH is on board. Here's my question. Now that I know what the sleepy cues look like, I'm finding that DD usually shows sleepy cues after being awake for at most, an hour. That includes feeding, diaper changes, and playtime. She does all the cues: yawns, rubs her eyes, sometimes grabs her ears. Sometimes she shows them after just 30 minutes of being awake. Should I try to keep her awake for longer periods? I'm thinking I should just follow her lead and start the naptime routine to put her to sleep, then wake her up for her next feed. But sometimes that means she's only awake for 45 minutes, including the wind down routine. I don't want to ruin her nighttime sleep. What would you do?